Page 162 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 162

                              d x 2  Modified sine  Sine
                              dθ 2                   Modified trapezoidal

                                                                           FIGURE 3.10: Commonly used
                                                                           cam profiles. The acceleration
                                   1/8  2/8  3/8  4/8  5/8  6/8  7/8  1  θ
                                                                           function is shown as a function of
                                                                           the driving axis. Sinusoidal,
                                                                           modified sin, and modified
                                                                           trapezoidal functions are common
                                                                           cam profiles.

                                   instance, if rise motion is completed in     = 1∕2rev =    rad,
                                                               f     = 2                         (3.93)
                                                               1 rise
                                                                  f =                            (3.94)
                                                                    =                            (3.95)
                                                                    = 2                          (3.96)
                                   Similarly, if rise motion is completed in 1∕3rev = 2  ∕3 rad, then f = 3. Both dis-
                                   placement and velocity functions are also sinusoidal functions. The speed and dis-
                                   placement functions can be readily obtained by integrating the acceleration curve,
                                              dx(  )     1           
                                                   =−C  1  ⋅ cos( f   )|                         (3.97)
                                               d         f 1       0
                                                     C 1     1
                                                   =    − C 1  ⋅ cos( f   )                      (3.98)
                                                      f 1   f 1
                                                     [                  ]    
                                                       C 1     1          |
                                               x(  ) =      − C 1  ⋅ sin( f   ) | |              (3.99)
                                                       f 1     f 1 2      | |0
                                                     C 1      1
                                                   =       − C 1  ⋅ sin( f   );  for  0 ≤    ≤    rise  (3.100)
                                                      f 1    f 1 2
                                   Let us assume that the rise portion is to occur in 1∕2 revolution of the cam input
                                   shaft. Then, f = 2. Let the rise distance be x  = 0.2 m. Then the constant C can be
                                             1                       rise                      1
                                   determined by evaluating the displacement cam function at the end of the rise cycle
                                   for    =   ,
                                                                    C 1
                                                               0.2 =                            (3.101)
                                                                    2 ⋅ 0.2
                                                               C =                              (3.102)
                                   Assuming that the cam has symmetric rise and down portions without any dwell
                                   portion, the complete period of motion for the cam is    = 0to2 ×    rise . Acceleration,
                                   speed, and displacement curves for the down portion of the cam are all mirror images
                                   of the rise portion. Mirror image and original function relationship is as follows. The
                                   original function for rise motion is x rise ,
                                                        x rise (  ) = f(  );  0 ≤    ≤    rise  (3.103)
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