Page 18 - KAFSP Vision Camp - Guide
P. 18

[14] New Horizon for the next generation

              Gyeongbokgung Palace – 경복궁

           l  Gyeongbokgung Palace, located in
              Seoul, South Korea, is the main
              royal palace of the Joseon Dynasty.
              Built in 1395 by King Taejo, the
              founder of the Joseon Dynasty, it
              served as the heart of Korean
              politics, economy, and culture. The
              name “Gyeongbokgung” means
              “Palace Greatly Blessed by
              Heaven,” and it has been the
              backdrop for many significant h
              istorical events.
           l  Geunjeongjeon: This is the main hall of Gyeongbokgung, where the king conducted state
              affairs and important ceremonies. It stands at the heart of the palace, showcasing grand
           l  Gyeonghoeru: A pavilion built on an
              artificial island in a pond, used for
              banquets and to receive foreign
              envoys. It is renowned for its
              beautiful scenery and harmonious

           l  Hyangwonjeong: Located in the
              rear garden of Gyeongbokgung, this
              pavilion is set on an island in a
              pond, offering a serene and
              picturesque atmosphere.
           l  National Palace Museum of Korea: Situated within Gyeongbokgung, this museum
              displays artifacts and cultural items from the Joseon Dynasty, providing insight into royal
              life and culture.
           l  Changing of the Royal Guard: A must-see event for visitors, this performance reenacts
              the traditional ceremony of the royal
              guards changing shifts, showcasing
              the historical uniforms and customs
              of the Joseon era.
           l  Gyeongbokgung has been
              damaged and rebuilt several times
              due to fires and wars, but
              continuous restoration efforts have
              preserved its grandeur. It remains a
              significant cultural and historical
              site, beloved by many visitors for its
              beauty and historical importance.
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