Page 32 - KAFSP Vision Camp - Guide
P. 32

[28] New Horizon for the next generation

             (7) Understanding the US-Korea Alliance Through the Korean War Memorial
                 전쟁기념관을 통해 배우는 한미동맹

                 By visiting and exploring the War Memorial of Korea, students will gain a profound
             understanding of the Korean War, in which Korea and the United States united to triumph
            over communism. This exploration will vividly demonstrate the continued importance of the
            US-Korea alliance in preserving national security against the threat of communism. As they
              walk through the exhibits, students will realize how the sacrifices and dedication of both
              nations have forged a strong alliance. This experience will inspire them to recognize the
              crucial role of global alliances in maintaining peace and safeguarding democratic values.
              한국의 전쟁기념관을 방문하여 탐방함으로써 한국과 미국이 공산주의와 싸워 이긴 한국전쟁의 의미를 깊이 이해하게 될
            것입니다. 이 탐방은 현대에 있어서도 공산주의로부터 국가를 보존하기 위한 한미동맹의 중요성을 생생하게 보여줄 것입니다.
            전시물을 둘러보며 학생들은 두 나라 간의 희생과 헌신이 어떻게 견고한 동맹을 형성해왔는지 깨닫게 될 것입니다. 이 경험은
                   평화를 유지하고 민주적 가치를 수호하기 위해 글로벌 동맹의 중요성을 인식하는 데 큰 영감을 줄 것입니다.

              The War Memorial of Korea - 전쟁기념관

           l  The War Memorial of Korea,
              located in Yongsan, Seoul, is a
              museum dedicated to showcasing
              the military history of Korea. It
              opened in 1994 and serves as an
              educational and commemorative
              institution that highlights the
              importance of peace and the
              impact of war.
           l  The museum was inaugurated on
              June 10, 1994, to commemorate
              all aspects related to the Korean
              War and other military history.
           l  The War Memorial features various exhibition halls that depict the history of Korea’s
              military and the tragedies of war.
           l  The Korean War Hall: This hall details the Korean War (1950-1953) from its outbreak to
              the armistice, showcasing major battles, strategies, and events.
           l  The History of Korean Forces Hall: This exhibition traces the history of Korean military
              forces from ancient times to the present, displaying numerous military artifacts and
           l  The Expeditionary Forces Hall: This hall presents Korea’s military deployments abroad,
              including participation in the Vietnam War, and missions in Somalia and Iraq.
           l  The International Peace Support Hall: It highlights Korea’s contributions to international
              peacekeeping activities.
           l  The Defense Industry Hall: This hall exhibits various weapons and military equipment,
              showing the evolution and characteristics of weaponry across different eras.
           l  Memorial Hall Plaza: The plaza in front of the memorial features large military
              equipment, including aircraft, tanks, and missiles, which visitors can view up close.
           l  The Monument of Korean War Veterans: This monument honors all soldiers and
              civilians who sacrificed their lives in war.
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