Page 21 - Election Fraud in Korea-ENG-KOR
P. 21
desired. This evidently contradicts the National Election Commission’s claim that the
“sorting” machines only “sort” ballots.
Fifth, although the Public Official Election Act clearly states that “the serial number
printed on the ballot must be displayed in the form of a barcode, the bar-shaped symbols
marked for computer recognition, and the barcodes can contain the name of the election,
electoral districts, and juridical election commission”, the National Election Commission
illegally and deliberately used QR codes instead of barcodes. The whistleblower allegedly
exposed in detail that the ballot sorting machine does not only simply sort out ballots but
can also identify the QR codes.
Sixth, there was no security camera at the sites storing out-of-jurisdiction early-vote boxes
and the National Election Commission had refused to install them. Further allegations
include the National Election Commission giving orders to cover up the security cameras in
all of the early voting stations nationwide on the early voting day. It was also confirmed that
there were warehouses without any security camera, that were used to store ballots after
counting votes.
Seventh, numerous ballot boxes that have been opened, ripped-off, along with a hole on
the side have been found in the warehouses run by the National Election Commission across
the country. And it was identified that the sealing tapes used in the election to seal the boxes
did not leave any traces of tearing, and it was even pointed out to be less adhesive than Post-
its. In addition, we witnessed a situation where ballots from different districts were mixed
together. In addition, numerous pieces of evidence indicate the overall lack of proper
election management.
As such, numerous evidence and people support that the 21st national election is a rigged
election. The election is the flower of democracy. The transparency of elections to exercise
the sovereignty of the people must be thoroughly guaranteed. Any fraudulent election must
be identified and punished in order to sustain the healthy and sound improvement and
stability of our democracy.
In this time of various advancing cyber risks at home and abroad, no one can curb rational
and concrete suspicions with blind faith in current technologies and institutions. Correcting
any suspicions about elections is the minimum obligation of any state agency that has been
delegated sovereignty from the people. It is the stern right of the sovereign people to require
a convincing clarification for the reasonable and concrete suspicions and to improve
arrangements for a fair and transparent election system. Suspicion will only continue to
grow, and the very foundation of the nation will be shaken unless the ballot boxes and ballots
containing our valuable votes, all related equipment, the program source codes used, and
the details of any communications that occurred in the field are transparently disclosed, and
a thorough investigation is conducted into the entities involved.
Thus, we strongly demand the followings:
First, apart from the ongoing election proceedings, we require all state agencies including
the prosecution, the police, the auditors, and the courts to take full-fledged measures within
their respective powers in order to thoroughly discover alleged violations and elucidate
suspicions on the election.
Second, we urge the National Election Commission to allow the general public voluntary
disclosure and access to relevant information without restrictions, to resolve any suspicions
raised about the 21st general election.
Third, any official who has concealed the truth of the alleged fraud or those who have not
initiated due procedure, in spite of the numerous reasonable allegations raised, must be
accountable for the results regardless of their position. At the same time, any person or
power that hinders or distorts the austere and transparent verification and investigation
must take responsibility.