Page 69 - Election Book-ENG
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and when certain methods prove challenging, alternative means
are employed to achieve desired outcomes. For instance, he cited
cases where votes were recorded at intervals of 4 to 7 seconds, a
physical impossibility that illustrates the scale and sophistication
of the fraud.
Involvement of Key Institutions and Cartels
Park identi#ed the involvement of media, judiciary, prosecution,
police, and opposition parties in perpetuating electoral fraud. He
argued that cartels linked to China or pro-China factions play a
signi#cant role, preparing in advance for manipulation through
procurement processes and operational planning.
Security Vulnerabilities and Evidence of Fraud
Park highlighted security vulnerabilities within the National
Election Commission (NEC). He cited cases of employees with
dubious hiring practices exploiting weak security measures,
such as simplistic passwords like “12345,” to manipulate election
results. Investigations revealed 100% fraudulent hiring in NEC
career positions over the past decade. Additionally, the National
Intelligence Service confirmed the technical feasibility of
multiple fraudulent acts, including double voting; proxy voting;
ballot forgery; and result tampering.
Media’s Role in Concealing Fraud
Park criticized major media outlets, including !e Chosun Ilbo,
1. The Systemic Spread of Electoral Fraud in Korea and the Necessity of U.S.Korea Cooperation 69