Page 186 - Trilateral Korea Japan U.S. Cooperation
P. 186

The Meaning of Camp David and the

                           New Unholy Alliance

                                       Victor Cha

             Dr. Victor Cha is senior vice president and Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic
             and International Studies and Distinguished University Professor, D.S. Song-KF
             Chairholder, and Professor of Government in the Department of Government and
             School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington DC.  He is
             an award-winning author, and has written seven books and many distinguished
             articles. His most recent book is Korea: A New History of South and North (Yale
             University Press, 2023) co-authored with Ramon Pacheco Pardo.  Dr. Cha was
             appointed in 2021 by the Biden administration to serve on the Defense Policy
             Board in an advisory role to the Secretary of Defense. He formerly served on
             the White House National Security Council and was also the Deputy Head of
             Delegation for the United States at the Six Party Talks in Beijing, receiving two
             Outstanding Service commendations during his tenure at the NSC. Dr. Cha is a
             two-time Fulbright Scholar, former Olin Fellow at Harvard University, and former
             Hoover, CISAC, and Koret Fellow at Stanford University. Dr. Cha received his Ph.D.
             in Political Science at Columbia University, MIA from Columbia, B.A. Honors in
             Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Oxford University, and A.B. in Economics
             from Columbia.

             Section III : South Korea-Japan-U.S. Cooperation: How to Deter Pyongyang and Dissuade Beijing
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