Page 155 - KCPAC_EBOOK
P. 155
프라임필하모닉오케스트라 영신한소리합창단
Prime Philharmonic Orchestra Youngshin Han Sori Choir
This concert was held to celebrate Presi- The concert was deemed an exemplary
dent-elect Yoon Suk-yeol’s election victory. concert as such that it was a purely musical
Furthermore, this concert was held to recog- presentation without a trace of any political
nize and encourage the conservative undertones, regardless of the objective in
supporters from many organizations and holding the concert. In particular, for the
various fields who worked so hard to make song that was picked as the finale, “Towards
President-Elect Yoon’s victory a reality, and to a Hopeful Nation,” the audience joined with
celebrate this victory among ourselves. the performers in a meaningful,
moving moment as if to announce to the
The concert was held at the “Lotte Concert world the birth of a new, strong conservative
Hall,” which boasts the most sophisticated, government, and President-elect Yoon and
state-of-the-art sound system and acoustics the incoming new administration.
in Asia.
The concert was hosted by the Center for
The grand scale and high-quality music of the Korea-America Freedom & Security Policy
concert featured Music Director Seok (KAFSP), and cosponsored by KCPAC, the
Sung-hwan’s dazzling conducting paired with Christian Council of Korea, the United
the powerful and majestic playing of the Elders Association of Korea, Far East Broad-
Prime Philharmonic Orchestra, along with- casting Corporation (FEBC), the Kukmin
world-class vocalists Kang Hye-jung, Hahm- Ilbo, and the People Power Party’s (PPP)
Seok-hun, Yang Ji-young and others and the Christian Ministry Support Headquarters.
over 100 member Soli Deo Elders’ Choir, Soli
Deo Women’s Choir, Youngshin Girls High Jeong Seong-gil, the concert's Planning
School Music Band, and the Beethoven Choir. Committee Chairman, stated that the
entire proceedings were carried out by the
The 2,000-seat concert hall was filled to grace and will of God, and further extend-
near-capacity and was reminiscent of an ed his congratulations to President-elect
image of a step towards a hopeful and bright Yoon Suk-yeol. He went on to note that
future in shaking off the past two years of the the concert was organized and held to
COVID-19 pandemic that prevented meaningfully join hearts together for a
large-scale performances from being held. hope-filled future of the Republic of Korea.
In lieu of President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol,
National Assemblyman Kwon Sung-dong
delivered words of appreciation and acknowl-
edgement, and the audience reciprocated
with cheers and applause.