Page 158 - KCPAC_EBOOK
P. 158

June 2022

                      Lee Sang-roh
                      Vice President
          of the Korea Retired Generals
             and Admirals Association
                    이상로, 성우회 부회장

      Grant Newsham        Choi Jong-il                Choi Byung-hyuk              Kim Jae-chang
      President of KCPAC   Executive Director of the   Former Deputy Commander of   Vice President of KAFSP and
      그랜트 뉴셤, KCPAC 대표     Korean Veterans Association  the ROK-U.S. Combined       Former Deputy Commander
                           최종일, 재항군인회 사무총장             Forces Command               of the ROK-U.S. Combined
                                                       최병혁, (전)한미연합사 부사령관           Forces Command
                                                                                    김재창, KAFSP 부회장, (전)한미연합사 부사령관
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