P. 85
Gordon G. Chang Won-mok Choi Kyung-wook Min
There is credible evidence that Democratic Totalitarianism is going on. Control over Korea is feeling powerless that they are
Party of Korea, Moon Jae-in’s ruling party judiciary is almost complete. And media unable to solve the issue of this rigged
cooperated with the Chinese Communist and press is controlled, totally controlled election as the media is taken over and
Party to develop the means to manipulate by ruling power. So I think it’s probably the judicial branch has been taken over.
the results in the April 15th election. It at the last stage of completing some
appears that China was able to develop this totalitarianism in Korea. It’s very ೠҴ ٣য৬ ࢎߨӂਸ ࡐӝҊ ۠ ࢚ടীࢲ
algorithm that could switch votes between surprising that even American people ߣ ࠗࢶѢ ޙઁܳ աт ࣻ হח
the two voting days in Korea. And it was are not fully aware how fast that kind of ޖ۱хী ࡅઉणפ
doing that the way it would make less situation going on in very close ally
obvious what was the current. But it was country but that’s very true. That’s why
very e ective because there was 57 seat we are gathering and raising voice.
pick up for President Moon’s party which is
really unpopular. So what they did was they о ೯غҊ णפ ࢎߨࠗী ೠ
stole the election with China’s help. ాઁח Ѣ ݃ޖܻغҊ ۿҗ ٣য ژೠ
ਵ۽ ాઁغҊ णפ ೠҴীࢲח
ޙੋ ࠗ ৈੋ ؊ࠛয Ҵ ҕҗ ӂਸ ৮ࢿೞח ݄݃ ױ҅ী ৬
ഈઑ೧ h ࢶѢীࢲ Ѿҗܳ ઑೡ ࣻ ח ࣻױਸ Ҋ ࠊঠೡ Ѫ эणפ Ҵ Ҵٜઑରب
ѐߊ೮ח नࡂࢿ ח ૐѢо णפ Ҵ о оө زݚҴ ೠҴীࢲ Ӓ۠ ࢚ട
ࢎైੌҗ ੌైੌ ࢎী ైܳ ߄Ե ࣻ ח ݃ա ࡈܻ ೯غҊ חܳ ੋधೞ ޅೞҊ
ঌҊ્ܻਸ ѐߊೡ ࣻ ؍ Ѫਵ۽ ࠁੑפ ੜ ݅ पઁ۽ ߥযҊ ח ੌੑפ ܻо
౭о উ աѱ ೮ਵա ੋӝо হח ࢳա غח ݽৈ ݾܻࣗܳ ֫ח ਬب ߄۽ ӒѪਸ
ҳܳ оઉщणפ Ӓٜ Ҵ بਵ۽ ৢ߄۽ ঌ۰ঠ ೞӝ ٸޙੑפ
ࢶѢܳ ശ Ѫੑפ
We have collected vast amounts of
We’ve got to be very concerned that information about China's intervention.
China will not only mess in Korea’s It is easy for anyone to think that the
election but mess in ours in the same way Hangul printed on the ballot went
because we also have electronic voting against standard spelling and that such
machines. We have voting on many days awkward Korean was printed in China.
which resembles what Korea does. So that This is because Korean descendants in
is the ultimate issue because if you don’t the area use certain spelling. That kind of
have faith and trust in the electoral term was printed on a ballot that was in
process, you don’t have democracy. the election process.
Ҵ ѐੑҗ ҙ۲೧ࢲ ܻח ߑೠ ࠁܳ
ܻח Ҵ ೠҴ ࢶѢܳ ݎச ࡺ݅ ইפۄ
э ߑधਵ۽ ܻ ࢶѢب ݎச Ѫۄח ࣻ೮णפ ైਊী ੋࣧػ ೠӖ ળ
Ѫਸ ݒ ۰೧ঠ פ ৵ջೞݶ ܻب ୍ߨী যӚլҊ Ӓۧѱ য࢝ೠ ೠҴযо Ҵ
ైӝܳ оҊ ӝ ٸޙੑפ ܻח ղীࢲ ੋࣧغҊ ־ҳա औѱ ࢤпೡ ࣻ
ೠҴҗ ࠺तೞѱ ৈ۞ զী Ѧ ైܳ פ णפ ৵ջೞݶ Ӓ ೠҴੋ റٜࣚ
Ѫ Ҿӓੋ ޙઁੑפ ৵ջೞݶ ࢶѢ ౠೠ ݏߨਸ ࢎਊೞӝ ٸޙੑפ Ӓ۞ೠ
җী ೠ җ न܉о হݶ ب ઙܨ ਊযо ࢶѢ җী ؍ ైਊী
হӝ ٸޙੑפ ੋࣧغয णפ