P. 84

Dan Schneider                        K.T. McFarland                       Grant Newsham

         The American Conservative Union has   The Chinese, they have no intention of   It wasn’t just out of the blue the Moon
         been around for over 50 years. And we   having the kind of free market democra-  administration thought ‘let’s just rig an
         are the organization that helps Ameri-  cies that we have come to know and   election but rather it’s part of longer-term
         cans really understand what it is we   love and thrive and prosper. They want   e ort by a dedicated aggressive group of
         believe and what we are  ghting for.   to be in charge and they want a world   extreme leftist who’d been out for
                                              that is Chinese dominated and the other   decades who are trying to turn South
         ޷Ҵ ࠁࣻ ো೤਷   ֙ ֈѱ ઓ੤೧ ৳णפ׮                                                 Korea into a one party state aligned with
         ӒܻҊ ਋ܻח ޷Ҵੋٜ੉ ਋ܻо ޖ঺ਸ ޺Ҋ             countries of the world are their vassals. If   North Korea, aligned with China, and
         ޖ঺ਸ ਤ೧ ऱ਋ח૑ ૓੿ਵ۽ ੉೧ೞب۾ ذח            we don’t stand together, the Chinese will   essentially as they see it casting o  the
         ઑ૒ੑפ׮                                pick us o  one at time.              American colonial yoke, and you can think
                                                                                   of what happens if the Americans get o
         There are these forces that hate     ઺Ҵੋٜ਷ ਋ܻо ঌҊ ࢎیೞݴ ߣ৔ೞח ੗ਬ            the peninsula, that alliance breaks.
         freedom. Hate individual liberty, and   द੢ ޹઱઱੄ܳ о૕ ੄بо ੹ഃ হणפ׮
         those forces have never been stronger.   Ӓٜ਷ ૑ߓೞӝܳ ਗೞҊ ࣁ҅੄ ׮ܲ աۄٜ੉        ޙ ੿ࠗо rࢶѢܳ ઑ੘ೞ੗sҊ ࢤпೠ Ѫ਷ ו׺হ੉
         And those forces are attacking us here   Ӓٜ੄ नೞо غח ࣁ࢚ਸ ਗ೤פ׮  ਋ܻо         ੌযդ ੌ੉ ইתפ׮  ࣻभ ֙ زউ ഝز೧ ৡ
         in America and elsewhere.            ױѾೞৈ ೣԋ ࢲ ੓૑ ঋਵݶ ઺Ҵ਷ ਋ܻܳ             ҕѺ੸ੋ ӓઝ౵ ૘ױ੉ ੢ӝ੸ਵ۽ ֢۱ೞৈ
                                              ೠߣী ೞաঀ ࡳইղ ߡܾ ѩפ׮                   ٜ݅যմ Ѫੑפ׮  Ӓٜ਷ ࠘ೠ ߂ ઺Ҵҗ زݚਸ
         ੗ਬܳ फযೞח ࣁ۱੉ ੓णפ׮  ѐੋ੄                                                    ੉ܘ ੌ׼ ة੤Ҵо۽ ؀ೠ޹Ҵਸ ߄ԲҊ
         ੗ਬܳ ૐয়ೞח Ӓ ൨਷ ૑Ә যו ٸࠁ׮              This is not just an academic debate. This   ࠄ૕੸ਵ۽ ޷Ҵਸ ղ؍૑۰Ҋ ೞח ࢎۈٜੑפ׮
         ъ೤פ׮  ӒܻҊ Ӓ ࣁ۱ٜ੉ ৈӝ ޷Ҵࡺ݅             is happening in real time. And patriots of   ޷Ҵ੉ ೠ߈بܳ ځա زݚ੉ ӵ૓׮ݶ җো যڌѱ
         ইפۄ ׮ܲ Ҕীࢲب ਋ܻܳ ҕѺೞҊ                 your country and my country are the   ؼ Ѫੋ૑ ࢤп೧ ࠊঠ ೤פ׮
         ੓णפ׮                                 people who are sitting here today. And   And sometimes if you just listen to what
                                              that’s why I think it’s so critical what
         Our o cial partner in Korea, KCPAC, it is                                 they have said, what they still say and
         so important that Americans work with   CPAC is doing, what Annie Chan, what   what they are doing, particularly as they
         KCPAC. The leadership of KCPAC is    other people are doing to get this   made an e  ort to grab every lever of
         extraordinary, they are great patriots, they   message out to their own nations.  power, the judiciary, intelligent services,
         love freedom. So the  rst thing before the   ੉Ѫ਷ ױ૑ ೟ޙ੸ੋ షۿ੉ ইפۄ पदрਵ۽    the media, even the military. And they
                                                                                   have one thing left, and that was the
         US can do anything to help is that the   ੌযաҊ ੓णפ׮  ӒܻҊ ৈ۞࠙੄ աۄ৬          legislature which is able to prevent you
         Korean people looking at the Korean   ਋ܻ աۄ੄ গҴ੗ٜ੉ য়ט ৈӝ ঊই ੓ח            from getting total control. And that’s the
         people, you need to take control of your   ࢎۈٜੑפ׮  Ӓېࢲ ੷ח $1"$੉ ೞҊ ੓ח     election one of the views in that context
         own government, of your own country   ੌ  গפଽ੉ ೞҊ ੓ח ੌ  ׮ܲ ࢎۈٜ੉ ੉          as one step towards to taking over all of
         that is the most important part.     ݫद૑ܳ ੗ӝ աۄী ੹׳ೞӝ ਤ೧ ೞח ੌ਷            the levers of power.
        ޷Ҵੋٜ੉ ਋ܻ੄ ҕध ౵౟ցੋ ,$1"$җ              ݒ਋ ઺ਃೞ׮Ҋ ࢤп೤פ׮                       Ӓٜ੉ ೠ ݈  Ӓٜ੉ ৈ੹൤ ೞח ݈  ӒܻҊ Ӓٜ੉
        ೣԋ ੌೞח Ѫ਷ ݒ਋ ઺ਃ೤פ׮  ,$1"$੄                                                 ೞҊ ੓ח ੌਸ ࠁݶ  ౠ൤ ࢎߨࠗ  ੿ࠁӝҙ  ঱ۿ
        ܻ؊भ਷ ౠ߹೤פ׮  ژೠ ޷Ҵ੉ ب਑ਸ ઱ח                                                  ब૑য ҵ؀ө૑ ݽٚ ӂ۱੄ ૑ۮ؀ ৉ೡਸ ೞח
        Ѫࠁ׮ ਋ࢶ೧ঠ ೞח Ѫ੉  ߄۽ ೠҴ Ҵ޹ٜ੉                                                 ӝҙٜਸ ੢ঈೞӝ ਤ೧ ֢۱೧৳Ҋ  ੉ઁ
        झझ۽ ೠҴ੄ ࢚ടਸ хदೞח Ѫੑפ׮                                                      ݃૑݄ਵ۽ ೞա թ਷ Ѫ੉ ੑߨࠗ৓णפ׮  ӒѪ੉
        ੗नٜ੄ աۄܳ झझ۽ хदೞח Ѫ੉ ߈٘द                                                   হ੉ח ৮੹ೠ ాઁӂਸ ঳૑ ޅೞӝ ⮶ޙੑפ׮
        ೙ਃ೤פ׮                                                                      ٮۄࢲ ࢶѢח Ӓ۠ ੉ਬীࢲ ݽٚ ӂ۱੄ ૑ۮ؀ܳ
                                                                                   ੢ঈೞӝ ਤ೧ ೠ Ѧ਺ ؊ աইо ੑߨࠗө૑
     80                                                                            ੢ঈೞ۰ ೮׮Ҋ ࠊঠ ೡ Ѫੑפ׮
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89