Page 7 - Yaskawa Motoman Robotics 2022 Benefits Guide
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Benefits Guide
Choosing A Plan That’s Best for You

There’s a lot to consider when picking out your coverage. Which plan should you choose? What will be the
estimated expenses? Below are a few cost comparisons between the Standard and the High Deductible plan.
These comparisons serve as examples to help guide your decision as you relect on your own past expenses
and estimate your future expenses.
Meet Jack Meet Jill

Jack is in his mid-20s, single, healthy, and rarely Jill is in her late 30s, married, and a mother of three
needs to see a doctor other than his annual grade-school aged children. Like most youngsters,
preventive physical. This year, he had an unexpected Jill’s children have frequent illnesses that require
visit an urgent care center, resulting in a medication somewhat regular visits to the pediatrician (and
treatment plan. He also had a sinus infection during sometimes even the emergency room). Jill elects
cold and lu season but was able to complete a family coverage as she covers her children and her
virtual visit for t`his. He pays the employee only rate husband. Jill completed her Wellvibe activities last
because he is only covering himself. He completed year and pays the Wellvibe wellness premium rate.
his Wellvibe activities last year and pays the Wellvibe
wellness premium rate.

Annual Medical Claims Annual Medical Claims
Preventive Care Visit (1) Preventive Care Visit (4)
Virtual Visit (1) assumes $49 charge Primary Care Visit (6) assumes $128 visit charge
Urgent Care (1) assumes $220 visit charge Emergency Room Visits (3) assume $1,500 ER charge
Tier 1 Rx (3) assumes $45/30 day Rx Tier 2 Rx (12) assumes $75/30 day Rx
Standard High Deductible Standard High Deductible
Service Service
Plan Plan Plan Plan
Preventive Visit $0 $0 Preventive Visit $0 $0
Virtual Visit $30 $49 Primary Care Visits $180 $768
Urgent Care Visit $75 $220 Emergency Room Visits (3) $900 $4,272
3× Tier 1 Rx $30 $135 12× Tier 2 Rx $420 $135
Total Employee Responsibility if Non-Wellvibe Participant Total Employee Responsibility if Non-Wellvibe Participant
Employee Out-of-Pocket Expense $135 $404 Employee Out-of-Pocket Expense $1,500 $5,175
Annual Payroll Deduction (EE Only) $2,216 $1,439 Annual Payroll Deduction (Family) $6,162 $3,751
Jack’s Total Cost $2,351 $1,843 Jill’s Total Cost $7,662 $8,926
Total Employee Responsibility if Wellvibe Participant Total Employee Responsibility if Wellvibe Participant
Employee Out of Pocket Expense $135 $404 Employee Out of Pocket Expense $1,500 $5,175
Annual Payroll Deduction (EE Only) $1,716 $939 Annual Payroll Deduction (Family) $5,662 $3,251
Jack’s Total Cost $1,851 $1,343 Jill’s Total Cost $7,162 $8,426

Jack should consider the High Deductible Plan Jill should consider enrolling the Standard Plan.
because this plan ofers him the lowest costs per Though she pays more on her annual payroll
paycheck. Jack also has the opportunity to invest deductions, her costs for her medical claims are
in an HSA account which will lower his taxable lower. If Jill incurred all these claims herself, then the
income and allow him to use tax-free dollars on High Deductible Plan plan would be best due to the
medical care. embedded deductible and out-of-pocket maximum.

No matter which plan you choose, being a Wellvibe Participant will save you money!
Please note: The above examples assume general estimates of healthcare
costs, based on average procedure cost. Your actual cost will be diferent. 7
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