Page 10 - Yaskawa Motoman Robotics 2022 Benefits Guide
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Health and Wellness Programs

Livongo Diabetes Management Wellvibe
Program Yaskawa Motoman Robotics believes in the

Livongo is a health beneit that helps make importance of educating, promoting, and rewarding
managing your diabetes easier—and its included our health plan participants for taking action toward
in your beneits at no cost to you. This program making smart and healthy lifestyle choices.
is ofered to you and your family members
with diabetes. You’ll get this and more, just for Through Wellvibe, you have the ability to lower
signing up: your medical premiums by $500 for the following
An Advanced Blood Glucose Meter Log in at to view required

From creating logs for your doctor’s appointments activities and begin earning your wellness incentive
to alerting loved ones when your blood glucose is today! Yaskawa group key code: WQU83F.
out of range, Livongo’s blood glucose meter can
upload and send alerts in real-time using a cellular On-Site Exercise Facility
An on-site exercise facility is available in facilities
Unlimited Strips and Lancets at No with 50 or more employees.
Cost to You

Get as many strips and lancets as you need with no YMCA Discount Program
hidden costs. When you are about to run out, we As a member of the Yaskawa Motoman Robotics
ship more supplies, right to your door. team, you may take advantage of a discounted
membership at our local YMCA. This discounted
Real-Time Tips and Support from rate applies to either a single or family membership
Certified Diabetes Educators and dues may be paid through payroll deduction.

You know yourself better than anyone, but if you (Available in facilities with 50 or more employees.)
ever have a blood glucose reading that’s out of
range or just want some quick tips on diabetes
management, your meter ofers tips after each
check. The Livongo meter can also help you connect
with Certiied Diabetes Educators when you want to
dig a little deeper.

Have Questions or Need Help

Call Livongo Member Support at 800.945.4355 or visit

The registration code is YASKAWA and it takes less than 3
minutes to sign up.

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