Page 13 - Yaskawa Motoman Robotics 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 13
Benefits Guide
Flexible Spending Accounts

Yaskawa Motoman Robotics ofers three Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Programs through Chard Snyder.
Flexible Spending Accounts let you set aside a certain amount of your paycheck into an account on a pre-tax
basis. During the year you have access to these accounts for reimbursement of expenses you regularly pay,
such as healthcare and dependent day care. With the Healthcare FSA, you will have the lexibility of using a
prepaid beneits card at your provider’s oice or pharmacy.

Healthcare Flexible Spending

Account Examples of Healthcare
Reimbursement Account Eligible
Can be established to help you pay for Expenses:
unreimbursed medical, dental, and vision expenses X Birth control pills X Lasik eye surgery
for you and your dependents with pre-tax dollars. X Chiropractors X Prescription
X Coinsurance amounts medicines
Limited Healthcare Flexible X Deductibles X Physical exams
Dental Treatment
Psychiatric care
Spending Account for CDHP/ X Eye exams/eyeglasses X X-Rays
HSA Participants Flexible Spending Account money may be used to
purchase over-the-counter drugs and medicines such as
Allows for out-of-pocket dental and vision expenses ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or cough syrup only with a
to be paid for on a pre-tax basis. These expenses prescription from your doctor. A copy of the prescription
for over-the counter medications is required once a year
have been limited so that enrollment is compatible for claims payment.
with eligibility rules related to Health Savings
Accounts. Limited Purpose FSA funds can be used You may use your Flexible Spending Account to purchase
for eligible dental and vision expenses only. over-the-counter items that are not considered a drug
or a medicine such as bandages, carpal tunnel wrist
supports, blood pressure monitors, contact lens solution,
Dependent Care Flexible etc.

Spending Account For a complete list of eligible expenses, visit:
Funds can be used for your dependent(s) under the IRS Publication 502: Medical and Dental Expenses
age of 13. Your dependent over age 13, or spouse IRS Publication 503: Dependent Care Expenses
who is physically not able to care for himself or
herself is considered to be a qualiied dependent if
their expenses for care could qualify for the federal 2022 Calendar Year
income tax credit on your tax return.
Maximum Contributions

Healthcare FSA $2,750
Limited FSA $2,750
Dependent Care FSA $5,000

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