Page 16 - Yaskawa Motoman Robotics 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 16

Yaskawa Motoman Robotics provides the following beneits at no cost to employees working 30 hours:

Short Term Disability Long Term Disability

Eligible Employees are provided Short Term What would you do if your paychecks stopped?
Disability coverage paid by Yaskawa Motoman If you are like most Americans, you insure your
Robotics. Our group STD plan helps replace lost car, your home, and your health. What about your
income should you become disabled due to a salary? How long could you and your family go
non-occupational accident or sickness, including without a paycheck if you were to become disabled
pregnancy or complications of pregnancy. Maximum and unable to work?
duration of STD is twenty six (26) weeks. Your
beneits are determined by your length of service. Plan Highlights
See table below: X 60% income replacement to monthly maximum
beneit of $10,000.
Maximum Number of Weeks at
Length of Service (Years)
Full Salary X Starts paying a monthly beneit after 180 days
0 1 of disability.
1 2
2 3 X You are eligible to receive beneits up to your
3 4 normal Social Security Retirement Age.
4 5 X If you pass away while receiving LTD payments,
5 6 your survivor will receive a survivor beneit
6 7
7 8 payment equaling three (3) months of your total
8 9 monthly LTD beneit.
9 10
10 13 For a detailed description of the beneit provisions
11 15 and the limitations and exclusions, please see the
12 17 summary plan description. Any questions can be
13 19 directed to your Human Resources Department.
14 21 Generally, you are considered disabled and eligible
15 26
for long term beneits if, due to sickness, pregnancy,
or accidental injury, you are receiving appropriate
This chart shows the maximum number of weeks care and treatment and complying with the
payable at 100% for any Short-Term Disability in any requirements of the treatment and you are unable to
calendar year. Any additional time of beyond those earn more than 80% of your pre-disability earnings
weeks will be paid at 60% of base pay, up to twenty at your own occupation for any employer in the local
six (26) weeks. Years of service will be established economy.
on Jan 1. If leave extends into the next calendar
year, the schedule of beneits does not reset for
that disability period. There is a two (2)-day waiting
period per each short-term disability occurrence
unless an employee is admitted to the hospital or
outpatient surgery is performed.

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