Page 19 - Yaskawa Motoman Robotics 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 19
Benefits Guide
Unum Accident/Critical Illness

You work hard for your paycheck. But it can be diicult to budget for life’s unexpected emergencies. That’s
why Yaskawa Motoman Robotics is giving you the option to purchase the Unum coverage shown below. It
can help protect your inances and give you some comfort when you need it the most.

Group Accident Insurance Group Critical Illness

With the high cost of medical care today, a trip Insurance
down the stairs can hurt your bank account as What’s a critical illness? Heart attack and stroke
much as your body. Accident insurance can pay you are a couple common examples. This coverage
money based on the injury and the treatment you also includes serious conditions like permanent
receive, whether it’s a simple sprain or something paralysis, and some policies can provide coverage
more serious like a broken bone. Your plan can pay for cancer. Treatment for these conditions can be
beneits for emergency room treatment, stitches, very expensive, so Critical Illness Insurance can
crutches, injury-related surgery, and a list of other help—by paying a lump sum directly to you at the
accident-related expenses. The money is paid irst diagnosis of a covered condition. You decide
directly to you and you decide how to spend it. You how to spend the money, and you can also purchase
can also purchase coverage for your spouse and coverage for your money.
dependent children.
Employees can elect $10,000, $20,000, or $30,000
of Critical Illness coverage. Spouses can elect 50%
of the Employee coverage as long as Employee
coverage is elected. Children up to age 26 are
automatically covered at no extra cost. Their
coverage amount is 50% of the Employee coverage.

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