Page 24 - Yaskawa Motoman Robotics 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 24
Retirement Plans

401(k) Plan

This program enables you to save for retirement.
You may elect to defer from 1% to 80% of your pay.
We ofer several investment options (with a range
of risk). You are eligible to participate in this plan on
the irst day of employment. Employer contributions
to the Proit Sharing and 401(k) accounts are 100%
vested after working at least 1,000 hours in 3
calendar years. Employee contributions are vested

Profit Sharing Plan

Participation in the Yaskawa Motoman Robotics
Proit Sharing Program gives Employees the
opportunity to share in the growth and success of
Yaskawa Motoman Robotics. Your account growth
depends on the proitability of the company, which
greatly depends upon the combined eforts of all
Yaskawa Motoman Robotics employees.

Eligibility for participation requires that you be at
least nineteen years of age, employed for at least six
(6) months during which you complete ive hundred
(500) or more continuous Hours of Service. Your
participation in the Proit Sharing Plan begins on
the irst day of the calendar month, which coincides
with or immediately follows the date on which you
satisfy the eligibility requirements. In the year you
initially become a Plan participant for proit sharing
purposes, the amount is pro-rated for the period of
time you are a plan participant.

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