Page 7 - Dentsu 2022 Annual Enrollment Flyer
P. 7
Medical Benefits

You want health insurance that works with your lifestyle, helps you get the best care possible and
fits your budget. That’s where our partnership with UnitedHealthcare (UHC) comes in.

From preventive screenings to medical emergencies and everything in between, we offer a
comprehensive national medical plan with UHC’s Choice Plus network. All plan options have both
in-network and out-of-network coverage and provide in-network preventive care visits and testing
at no cost to you.

You can choose from four plans. There are two PPO plans (Enhanced and Standard), and two High
Deductible Health Plans (Classic HDHP and Value HDHP). On all plans, once you reach your out of
pocket maximum, all eligible expenses are covered at 100%.

Enhanced PPO Classic HDHP

• Virtual visits by phone or computer • In-network services including office
covered at 100% visits and prescription drugs are covered

• Diagnostic visits are covered at 100% at 80% after you meet an annual
after a copay of $30 or $50 at the time of deductible of $2,000 ($4,000 with
service at network facilities family coverage)
• Prescription drug benefits are covered by • Dentsu gives you a $500 contribution
copays based on the tier of medication annually ($1,000 for family coverage)
being filled in a Health Savings Account to help you
• All other in-network services are covered offset your deductible (posted to your
account monthly)
at 90% after you meet an annual
deductible of $500 Value HDHP

Standard PPO • In-network services including office
• Virtual visits by phone or computer visits and prescription drugs are covered
at 80% after your meet an annual
covered at 100% deductible of $4,000 ($8,000 with
• Diagnostic visits are covered at 100% family coverage)
after a copay of $30 or $50 at the time of • Dentsu gives you a $750 contribution
service at in-network facilities annually ($1,500 for family coverage)

• Prescription drug benefits are covered by in a Health Savings Account to help you
copays based on the tier of medication offset your deductible (posted to your
being filled account monthly)

• All other in-network services are covered
at 80% after you meet an annual
deductible of $1,000

When enrolled in the Classic HDHP or
Value HDHP, most maintenance medications
are covered by the plan at no cost - view
the Preventive Drug List on the UHC pre-
member website to learn more.

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