Page 22 - Franklin Madison 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 22
Voluntary Benefit Options
Employees have access to Accident Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance
through The Hartford.
Accident Insurance Critical Illness Insurance
This insurance ofers added inancial protection A lump sum beneit is payable for a covered person
by paying a cash beneit if a covered person is when diagnosed with any covered critical illness
injured as the result of a covered accident. Accident while insurance is in efect, subject to the coverage
beneits are intended to help employees and their maximum and the preexisting condition limitation.
loved ones handle the out-of-pocket expenses For some covered illnesses, 100% of the coverage
and unexpected bills that can follow an accidental amount is payable, and for others, a partial
injury. Lump sum beneits are paid to the employee beneit—less than 100% of the coverage amount—
(or designated beneiciary), based on the amount is payable. The coverage amount that is in efect
stated in the schedule of beneits and subject to for a covered person on the date of diagnosis of the
any plan limitations or exclusions. covered illness is used to determine the beneit.
Biweekly Paycheck Contributions Rates vary by age—please review your cost
Full-Time Part-Time for coverage during enrollment.
Employee $4.68 $4.68 Note: This beneit does not cover pre-existing
Employee + Child(ren) $7.97 $7.97 conditions.
Employee + Spouse $7.38 $7.38 For more detailed coverage information, access the
Employee + Family $12.49 $12.49 online Beneits Portal,
Employees have access to Accident Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance
through The Hartford.
Accident Insurance Critical Illness Insurance
This insurance ofers added inancial protection A lump sum beneit is payable for a covered person
by paying a cash beneit if a covered person is when diagnosed with any covered critical illness
injured as the result of a covered accident. Accident while insurance is in efect, subject to the coverage
beneits are intended to help employees and their maximum and the preexisting condition limitation.
loved ones handle the out-of-pocket expenses For some covered illnesses, 100% of the coverage
and unexpected bills that can follow an accidental amount is payable, and for others, a partial
injury. Lump sum beneits are paid to the employee beneit—less than 100% of the coverage amount—
(or designated beneiciary), based on the amount is payable. The coverage amount that is in efect
stated in the schedule of beneits and subject to for a covered person on the date of diagnosis of the
any plan limitations or exclusions. covered illness is used to determine the beneit.
Biweekly Paycheck Contributions Rates vary by age—please review your cost
Full-Time Part-Time for coverage during enrollment.
Employee $4.68 $4.68 Note: This beneit does not cover pre-existing
Employee + Child(ren) $7.97 $7.97 conditions.
Employee + Spouse $7.38 $7.38 For more detailed coverage information, access the
Employee + Family $12.49 $12.49 online Beneits Portal,