Page 73 - HyperPay PR REPORT - JANUARY 2025
P. 73
1/16/25, 4:39 PM SAMA grants licenses to 2 new fintech firms
SAMA grants licenses to 2 new
ntech rms
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s ntech ecosystem is expanding further with the Saudi
Central Bank, or SAMA, granting licenses to two new service providers.
Tal Finance ha s been author ized to oer debt-based crowdfunding solutions,
making it the 12th company in the Kingdom to provide such services. This
addition brings the total number of nance companies licensed by SAMA to 62,
hi ghl ight ing the increasing role of alternative nancing solutions in Saudi
Meanwhi le, SAMA ha s granted a license to Hiberbay Ink Al-Saoudia for IT
Systems to deliver e-wallet services, increasing the total number of payment
service providers in Saudi Arabia to 27. This move is aimed at promoting digital
payment solutions and accelerating the Kingdom’s shift toward a cashless
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