P. 16

Press release

               online education, the development and pilot implementation of the Benchmarking Framework,

               data entry and use of the benchmarking website, global implementation results, and

               continuous  quality improvement of the  framework and its toolkit.  Participants  in the

               workshop gained practical experience by actively entering data and generating comparative


               H.E. Dr. Mansoor Al Awar, Chancellor of HBMSU, stated: “We, at HBMSU, take pride in

               spearheading the introduction and integration of innovative smart learning concepts across

               the Arab world. Our active participation in the ANQAHE conference is a testament to our

               unwavering commitment to elevating the quality of global higher education. Quality assurance

               is the bedrock of a robust education system, and through collaborative efforts and tools like

               the Benchmarking Framework, we are shaping the  future of higher education.  We are

               dedicated  to cultivating an educational environment  that nurtures  a highly competent

               generation, playing a pivotal role in propelling the UAE's transformation into one of the most

               inventive nations worldwide.”

               Prof. Hassan,  Vice-Chancellor  for  International Cooperation at HBMSU,  said:

               “Benchmarking Online Learning goes beyond  being a mere tool; it represents a  strategic

               approach to ensuring quality in education. Our workshop highlighted the profound impact of

               benchmarking on molding the trajectory of online education in the future. In this era of digital

               transformation, upholding academic integrity  and quality stands as  a top  priority.  The

               Benchmarking Framework designed for Online, Open, Smart, and  Technology-Enhanced
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