Page 47 - Centena Group PR Report - May 2024
P. 47

Centena Group strengthens its presence and expands its educational eCommerce platform ‘AtlabShoponline’ to KSA
        ATLAB, the educa onal solu ons division of Centena Group, is leading the charge in shaping the future of
        educa on in the Middle East. Building on the pla orm’s success in the UAE, ATLAB will provide teachers and
        students in Saudi Arabia with access to state-of-the-art resources in fields such as ar ficial intelligence (AI),
        STEAM, coding, robo cs, and sustainability by u lising its exper se and partnerships with leading global brands,

        including LEGO, KUBO, Tello Drones, and Sphero.

        Sanjay Raghunath, Chairman and Managing Director of Centena Group, said: “This is an exci ng  me for us as
        we further solidify our presence in the Middle East with the introduc on of our new educa onal eCommerce
        pla orm in the KSA. It represents a significant step forward in our goal of providing seamless access to educa on

        for everyone through our subsidiary ATLAB. As a group, we are dedicated to advancing sustainable growth and
        development for companies and communi es within the Middle East and beyond, as well as reshaping the
        future and transforming lives through innova on and technology. In order to be er serve society, we are
        constantly striving to invest in and provide technological innova ons, applica ons, and solu ons.”

        AtlabShoponline has garnered significant interest from parents, educa onal ins tu ons, and schools in the

        UAE, indica ng the region’s rising need for high-quality educa onal resources. In keeping with the objec ves of
        KSA’s Vision 2030 to develop the na on into a knowledge-based economy, the pla orm will offer its extensive
        selec on of products and services in the country. AtlabShoponline has received a resoundingly posi ve
        response, leading to an increase in demand from both ins tu ons and parents. Notably, 80 to 90 per cent of

        FIRST LEGO League (FLL) kits are purchased through AtlabShoponline, making it a preferred des na on to get
        resources for such educa onal compe  ons.

        Nilesh Korgaonkar, CEO of ATLAB, said: “Beyond conven onal eCommerce pla orms, AtlabShoponline is
        launching a customized approach for easy access to educa onal resources in KSA for an engaging learning
        experience. Backed by a team of educa onal experts, ATLAB works with schools to successfully incorporate new

        ideas into their courses. The GCC region is evolving and diversifying as a knowledge-based economy to create
        more private sector jobs for a young and growing popula on. Aligning to this development and to boost
        employment and economy, ATLAB provides STEAM based educa on experiences that encourage students’

        crea vity, innova on, and cri cal thinking abili es as a accredited organiza on.”

        The Centena Group remains unwavering in its commitment to assis ng customers in every stage of their
        educa onal journey. The group has a team in the field that can assist customers throughout their journey. It has
        further forged partnerships with various leading global companies in this domain to offer the right and best
        solu ons and resources, tailoring them to the specific needs of customers in the region.

        With a group of professionals and alliances with renowned companies, Centena Group ensures the provision of

        tailored resources and solu ons, all of which effec vely meets customers’ unique demands. ATLAB Shoponline’s
        debut in the KSA market is expected to strengthen Centena Group’s standing as the region’s pioneer in
        technological solu ons and educa onal innova on.

        About Centena Group

        Centena Group, a UAE-based mul na onal conglomerate, is a leading player in the field of science, engineering,
        educa on, and technology solu ons, focusing on offering state-of-the-art services in Marine Electronics,…  2/3
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