Page 45 - Centena Group PR Report - May 2024
P. 45

Centena Group boosts regional presence with platform debut in Saudi Arabia | Decypha

           Centena Group boosts regional presence with pla orm debut in Saudi Arabia

          Mubasher: Dubai-based Centena Group has announced the launch of AtlabShoponline
          pla orm  as  an  educa onal  eCommerce  pla orm  in  Saudi  Arabia  to  promote  a
          knowledge-based economy across the region while further solidifying its presence in
          the Middle East, according to a press release.
          The mul na onal conglomerate and leading player in the field of science, engineering,
          educa on,  and  technology  solu ons  will  provide  teachers  and  students  access  to
          excep onal  educa onal  resources  such  as  AI,  STEAM,  coding,  robo cs,  and
          AtlabShoponline  pla orm  is  made  under  Centena  Group’s  educa onal  solu ons
          division and will u lise exper se and partnerships with leading global brands like LEGO, KUBO, Tello Drones, and Sphero.
          The  debut  in  the  Saudi  market  is  expected  to  strengthen  Centena  Group’s  standing  as  a  pioneer  in  technological  solu ons  and  educa onal
          innova on across the region.
          Chairman and Managing Director of Centena Group, Sanjay Raghunath, said: “As a group, we are dedicated to advancing sustainable growth
          and development for companies and communi es within the Middle East and beyond, as well as reshaping the future and transforming lives
          through innova on and technology.”
          The AtlabShoponline pla orm already garnered interest from parents, educa onal ins tu ons, and schools in the UAE. Meanwhile, the pla orm
          has received a resoundingly posi ve response, leading to higher demand from both ins tu ons and parents.
          Nilesh Korgaonkar, CEO of ATLAB, said: “Backed by a team of educa onal experts, ATLAB works with schools to successfully incorporate new
          ideas into their courses.”
          Korgaonkar added: “The GCC region is evolving and diversifying as a knowledge-based economy to create more private sector jobs for a young
          and  growing  popula on.  Aligning  to  this  development  and  to  boost  employment  and  economy,  ATLAB  provides  STEAM  based  educa on
          experiences that encourage students’ crea vity, innova on, and cri cal thinking abili es as a accredited organisa on.”

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