Page 169 - MBRF PR REPORT - May 2024
P. 169

      5/3/24, 11:20 AM                            MBRF high ights wide array of know edge ini i at ves at ADIBF
       MBRF high lights wide array of know ledge ini ti at ives at

       The par ti cip a tion aligns with the MBRF’S com mit ment to sup port -

       ing know ledge, cre ativ ity, and innov a tion

       Gulf Today · 3 May 2024 · Staff Reporter

       Themo hammed bin rashid al mak tou m know ledge Found a tion (MBRF) kicked o

       its par ti cip a tion at the 33rd edi tion of Abu Dhabi Inter na tional Book Fair (ADIBF)

       with a ded ic ated pavil ion to high light its wide array of know ledge-ori ented
       events and a selec tion of pub lic a tions in both Eng lish and Arabic. The par ti cip a -

       tion aligns with the MBRF’S com mit ment to sup port ing know ledge, cre ativ ity,
       and innov a tion, as well as high light ing the import ance of read ing as a means of

       acquir ing know ledge and inform a tion.

       In line with the event, Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Min is ter of Tol er -

       ance and Coex ist ence, vis ited the MBRF’S pavil ion and dis cussed the ‘Global
       Know ledge Index’. Dur ing the visit, the MBRF o ered him the book ‘Tol er ance

       Among Vir tues’, one of the pub lic a tions of the Dubai Inter na tional Pro gram for                                       1/3
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