Page 171 - MBRF PR REPORT - May 2024
P. 171
5/3/24, 11:20 AM MBRF high ights wide array of know edge ini i at ves at ADIBF
frame work in the eth ics of AI. The frame work will cover vari ous areas includ ing
pro por tion al ity and non-harm, safety, and secur ity, the right to pri vacy and data
pro tec tion, multi-stake holder engage ment, adapt ive gov ernance and col lab or a -
tion, respons ib il ity and account ab il ity, trans par ency and explain ab il ity, human
over sight and rigour, aware ness and lit er acy, fair ness and non-dis crim in a tion,
prin ciples of AI gov ernance, and AI for sus tain able devel op ment.
The pavil ion, in line with the ‘Know ledge Lounge’ project, set the stage for the
launch of ‘the Friend li ness of Tunisia’, a book authored by Nada El-sayed Muait,
as the res ult of the Travel Writ ings work shop. Dr. Wafaa Al Mezgh ani, the work -
shop instructor, and Lina Taraqji, the ses sion coordin ator, explained the key
themes presen ted in the book. 3/3