Page 170 - MBRF PR REPORT - May 2024
P. 170

      5/3/24, 11:20 AM                            MBRF high ights wide array of know edge ini i at ves at ADIBF
       Writ ing (DIPW), which was approved for post gradu ate stu dents at the
       Mohammed Bin Zayed Uni versity for Human it ies (MBZUH).
       High light ing the sig ni  c ance of MBRF’S par ti cip a tion in ADIBF 2024, Jamal Bin

       Huwaireb, CEO of the MBRF, poin ted out the Found a tion’s con tri bu tion towards
       advan cing sci ence, dis sem in at ing know ledge, pro mot ing a cul ture of read ing,

       and nur tur ing lit er ary and intel lec tual cre ativ ity.
       “The MBRF’S par ti cip a tion in the event comes as part of its relent less e orts to

       encour age shar ing know ledge across Arab coun tries and provide a com pre hens -

       ive pla form for book lov ers and schol ars to learn about cur rent intel lec tual and
       lit er ary works and pub lic a tions. The pavil ion show cases a diverse range of pub -

       lic a tions focus ing on many  elds. Fur ther more, it will provide a venue for other
       events and activ it ies, includ ing sem inars, lec tures, work shops, and dis cus sions

       with renowned Arab authors and thinkers,” he added.

       The pavil ion, loc ated in Hall 10-D06, will fur ther host a vari ety of events under
       the ‘Knowtalks’, a series jointly organ ised by the MBRF and the United Nations

       Devel op ment Pro gramme (UNDP) to under score best global prac tices and exper -

       i ences in address ing envir on mental chal lenges, water crises, cli mate issues, and
       strategies for pro mot ing green invest ments.

       Jamal Bin Huwaireb presen ted a know ledge ses sion titled ‘Poetry and Arti   cial
       Intel li gence.’ The ses sion was held under the ‘Bil Arabi’ ini ti at ive, which was

       launched by the MBRF in 2013 to encour age the use of the Arabic lan guage. Dur -
       ing the ses sion, he noted that the UAE and Saudi Ara bia had out paced many other

       coun tries in the  eld of AI. He fur ther under lined that poetry would sur vive the

       devel op ment of AI because it has an advant age over machines. In addi tion, he
       poin ted out that one of the key aspects that sets humans apart from machines is

       their cap ab il ity for reas on ing and deduc tion.

       The ‘Knowtalks’ series hos ted a panel dis cus sion titled ‘AI for All: Innov at ing
       with Inclus ive ness in Mind,’ which was presen ted by Yas mine Ham dar, AI Policy

       Spe cial ist, UNDP. The dis cus sion focused on the neg at ive impact of AI sys tems
       on social life and the machines’ abil ity to mimic human beha vi ors like think ing,

       learn ing, and decision mak ing. In addi tion, the dis cus sion high lighted the poten -

       tial of AI in help ing to mit ig ate global issues such as poverty and hun ger erad ic a -
       tion, pest mon it or ing, water resource man age ment, cli mate change adapt a tion,

       social cohe sion, and redu cing inequal it ies among soci et ies and indi vidu als. The
       panel also assessed the key prin ciples required to develop a human rights-based                                       2/3
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