Page 27 - T4 Education PR REPORT - June 2024
P. 27

Two trailblazing UAE schools named in Top 10 shortlists for World’s Best School Prizes 2024
        “Congratula ons to Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills in the UAE on being named among the Top 10
        finalists for the World’s Best School Prize for Environmental Ac on 2024. Your vital work brings hope that
        solu ons can be found to some of the greatest challenges we face today. Through the pla orm of the World’s
        Best School Prizes, your solu ons will now inspire countless others across the globe from the classrooms to the

        administra on.

        “Accenture is proud to be a part of T4 Educa on’s ini a ve in empowering the next genera on to tackle global
        sustainability challenges by increasing access to and use of the latest technologies and innova ve prac ces.”

        About the schools:

        Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills, an independent kindergarten through secondary school in Dubai,

        UAE, empowers students with programmes like personalised learning pathways and project-based learning,
        driving community change through culturally-responsive educa on and sustainability projects. The academy,
        established in 2005, serves over 2,725 students, integra ng rigorous interna onal educa on with a strong
        commitment to environmental ac on.

        The school's vibrant Eco Club leads several sustainability projects, such as a significant E-waste recycling

        campaign and model COP28 events, raising awareness and fostering tangible community ac on. These
        ini a ves exemplify the academy's commitment to environmental advocacy and are integrated into the IB
        curriculum, enhancing student par cipa on in global conserva on efforts.

        Leadership at Dubai Interna onal Academy promotes a culture where innova on in sustainability is encouraged

        and celebrated. Their efforts have led to the implementa on of educa onal trips to Borneo and Kenya, where
        students ac vely engage in wildlife conserva on and community development projects. These experiences are
        pivotal in ins lling a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship among students.

        Should Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills win the World's Best School Prize for Environmental Ac on,
        the prize money would be used to advance sustainability efforts by establishing hydroponic systems for growing

        organic vegetables on campus. This ini a ve would further reduce the school's carbon footprint and enhance
        student engagement in eco-friendly prac ces, reinforcing the academy's role as a leader in environmental
        educa on and ac on.

        GEMS Legacy School, an independent school in Dubai, UAE, is a pioneer in comprehensive wellness in

        educa on, impac ng over 6,285 students with ini a ves like school-wide fruit breaks and sleep hygiene
        workshops, promo ng holis c wellbeing and sustainable lifestyle choices.

        Established in 1990, GEMS Legacy School educates students from kindergarten to secondary levels. The core of
        the school’s mission is rooted in the PERMA-H model, which encompasses emo onal, physical, occupa onal,
        social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial wellbeing, involving innova ve teaching methods and

        a holis c curriculum.

        The school’s wellbeing policy is central to achieving a nurturing environment. This ini a ve enhances the
        physical and mental health of students, staff, and parents, and supports broader goals such as community…  3/4
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