P. 210
8/5/24, 11:48 AM 50 houses will be built in Wayanad at a cost of Rs 10 crore - Sobha Group - Karma News English
50 houses will be built in Wayanad at a
cost of Rs 10 crore – Sobha Group
By Swathi S V - August 3, 2024
Kochi: Shobha Group lends a helping hand to those affected by the Wayanad landslide. PNC
Menon, chairman and founder of Shobha Group, informed that 50 people will be built and given
houses by spending Rs 10 crore in Wayanad.
PNC Menon conveyed Sobha Group’s sympathy and support to the victims. The house is being
built with the aim of providing long-term support to the affected people. Already, more than
200 houses in Wayanad have been offered to be built directly.
Housing construction and financing will be done under the supervision of Srikutumba
Educational and Charitable Trust. In addition to building houses for a thousand destitute people
in Palakkad district, Shobha Group has now decided to build 50 houses in Wayanad as a
helping hand. 1/1