Page 14 - 7X PR REPORT FEBRUARY 2024
P. 14

Press Release

               7X launches commemora ve stamp celebra ng the 25  anniversary of
                   Sheikha La fa bint Mohammed Awards for Childhood Crea vity

                       Stamp issuance dedicated to Her Highness Sheikha Hind Bint Maktoum
                                      bin Juma Al Maktoum, President of the Award

               Dubai,  16  February,  2024:  7X,  in  partnership  with  the  Sheikha  La fa  bint  Mohammed  Awards for
               Childhood  Crea vity,  launched  a  new  commemora ve  stamp  celebra ng  the  25  anniversary  of  the
               award’s incep on, which underscores the valuable contribu ons it made to improve children’s skills across
               various  fields.  The  stamp  is  designed  to  signify  the  award’s  key  role  in  encouraging  crea vity  and
               innova on among children and the youth in the region. It further highlights EPG’s efforts to ins l social
               and cultural responsibility and serves as a symbol of the Award’s dedica on and growth throughout the
               years in its role of developing the knowledge of children and society.

               The Sheikha La fa bint Mohammed Awards for Childhood Crea vity has been commi ed to nurturing a
               crea ve culture and promo ng construc ve compe  on among children in various fields and ac vi es.
               The key goal of the award is to encourage innova ve and crea ve thinking among children from an early
               age, with a focus on ins lling leadership values in them. The award seeks to raise the quality of services
               delivered by  childcare  ins tu ons, in line with societal expecta ons and develop children’s skills in a
               cultured manner.

               H.E. Abdulla Mohammed Alashram, Group CEO of 7X, said: “We are delighted to partner with the Sheikha
               La fa bint Mohammed Awards for Childhood Crea vity to launch this commemora ve stamp. The stamp
               serves as a gesture of apprecia on and recogni on for the unwavering dedica on of Her Highness Sheikha
               La fa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in nurturing the poten al of children and guiding them
               towards a successful future. The issuance recognises the Award’s impact in fostering crea vity among
               children and the youth in the region reflec ng 7X’s commitment to societal and cultural responsibility.
               Addi onally, it highlights our ongoing efforts to support the younger genera on in their inven ve pursuits,
               encouraging advanced vision within our community and spreading posi ve messages about the UAE’s
               diverse achievements.”

               H.E. Amina Al Daboos, Execu ve Director of the Sheikha La fa Bint Mohammed Award for Childhood
               Crea vity said: “As we commemorate the Silver Jubilee of the Sheikha La fa bint Mohammed Awards for
               Childhood Crea vity and 25 years of relentless efforts to enhance children’s crea vity, we dedicate this
               commemora ve  stamp  issuance to Her Highness  Sheikha Hind  bint  Maktoum bin Juma  Al Maktoum,
               President of the Award and wife of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice
               President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. Through this ini a ve we would also like to express our
               gra tude  to  Her  Highness  Sheikha  Hind  for  her  commitment  towards  suppor ng  the  Award  and  its
               progress. Furthermore, we appreciate the pioneering role of Her Highness Sheikha La fa bint Mohammed
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