Page 87 - MBRF PR REPORT - April 2024
P. 87

      4/22/24, 10:01 AM                               MBRF’S Lounge enriches land scape of know edge
       MBRF’S Lounge enriches land scape of know ledge

       Jamal Bin Huwaireb, CEO of MBRF, emphas ised the sig ni  c ance of
       ingrain ing read ing as a daily habit among youth

       Gulf Today · 20 Apr 2024 · Staff Reporter

       The Know ledge Lounge, a pion eer ing project of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al
       Mak toum Know ledge Found a tion (MBRF), organ ised a wide range of events and

       activ it ies, par tic u larly dur ing Read ing Month. The pro grammes were part of the

       frame work of the MBRF’S vis ion, which seeks to enhance cog nit ive devel op ment
       and make read ing a com munity cul ture.

       The events atrac ted a large num ber of book lov ers and o ered them an ideal pla -

       form to share know ledge and raise aware ness of the sig ni  c ance of read ing and
       its vital role in encour aging cre ativ ity and learn ing. The events included a ses -

       sion titled ‘The Import ance of Read ing’ with Jamal Bin Huwaireb, CEO of MBRF,

       which was organ ised by the Emir ates Schools Estab lish ment (ESE). Dur ing the
       ses sion, Bin Huwaireb elab or ated on the sig ni  c ance of national know ledge ini -

       ti at ives such as Read ing Month, high light ing their role as a test a ment to the                                       1/3
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