Page 89 - MBRF PR REPORT - April 2024
P. 89

      4/22/24, 10:01 AM                               MBRF’S Lounge enriches land scape of know edge
       spe cial ses sion fea tur ing Know ledge lounge for youth in col lab or a tion with the
       Alnqsh Pla form. These ses sions were mod er ated by a young girl, Haneen Kifah

       Alkharaz, and they included read ings of diverse books from the lit er at ure world.

       Jamal Bin Huwaireb, CEO of MBRF, high lighted MBRF’S unwaver ing ded ic a tion
       to boost ing the sig ni  c ant role of read ing. He also stressed the sig ni  c ance of

       ingrain ing read ing as a daily habit among youth, recog nising its pivotal role in
       cul tiv at ing their know ledge and elev at ing the UAE’S stand ing as a hub of sci ence

       and know ledge region ally and glob ally.

       He also expressed pride in the Know ledge Lounge’s remark able achieve ment in
       advan cing know ledge and read ing, emphas ising its focus on show cas ing the

       intel lec tual and cre at ive works of writers and sci ent ists.

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