Page 15 - Jetour PR Report- May 2024
P. 15

Jetour Presents its ‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the ...

        In the UAE, the X70 and X90 models have appealed to customers while its solid style statement-making
        model, the Dashing en ced the crowd with its snazzy looks and a futuris c interior. Introduced in January
        2024, the brand’s most off-road-oriented model in the UAE, the T2 achieved runaway success in its home
        market by clocking in a volume of 10,000 units in three months thereby, se ng a record in this segment.

        While its models imbibe the u litarian toughness of off-road vehicles, Jetour has ensured each model gets a
        new type of powertrain where electric ba eries would couple with engines for a precise ar cula on
        between efficiency and power. It showcased its Super Hybrid Off-Road Pla orm and the Super Hybrid i-DM
        system and demonstrated how the new founda on can bolster the car’s performance and stability, even on
        rugged terrains.
        Alongside showing an inexorable focus on the adop on of new energy and models based on a novel
        architecture, Jetour is forecas ng possibili es with the ambi on of foraying into right-hand drive markets
        that can help it a ract a profound presence. Both Plug-in Hybrid and Ba ery Electric Vehicles are on the
        cards for global markets.

        Where most manufacturers s ck to conven onal powertrain and pla orm op ons for ul mate off-road
        vehicles, Jetour is experimen ng with a contemporary approach for its T-Series of cars that are specifically
        designed to explore the unknown by lunging off the beaten path. For instance, its T1 is posi oned as a plug-
        in hybrid off-road vehicle that marries a 1.5-litre Turbocharged GDI engine to spout immense grunt on any
        surface. This car also encapsulates a 2-meter bed at the rear to clinch the prac cality quo ent.

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