Page 20 - Jetour PR Report- May 2024
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‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the World’ - Jetour highlights new possibilities at Beijing Auto Show - Truck and Fleet Middle East

         ‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the World’ – Jetour

         highlights new possibili es at Beijing Auto Show

         The Chinese automo ve industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, with rising export volumes playing a
         pivotal role

             By Stephen White                                                      Share     Facebook   Twi er   Pin

         JETOUR, the leading Chinese SUV brand tailored to market trends and consumer needs, presented
         it’s ‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the World’ themed global press conference during the highly
         an cipated Beijing Auto Show.

         Since its establishment and eleva on to an independent brand with fully autonomous opera ons
         across R&D, procurement, marke ng, produc on and qualifica on, JETOUR has dedicated itself to
         becoming a leader in the ‘ automo ve market segment, further solidifying its vision of ‘Travel+’.

         The Chinese automo ve industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, with the rising
         export volume playing a pivotal role in this expansion. According to the China Associa on of
         Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), China’s automo ve exports soared to a record high of 4.91
         million units in 2023, marking a 57.9 per cent increase from 2022. This surge reflects the growing
         global demand for made-in-China vehicles, driven by their reputa on for quality, affordability and
         technological advancements.

         In line with its strategy for global expansions, JETOUR has been following this trend. By designing
         vehicles that cater to family and off-road travel, JETOUR has achieved a remarkable global sales
         volume of 1.1 million units within 68 months since its first product launch, garnering a customer base
         of over 45 million worldwide. This ‘JETOUR Speed’ has set an industry benchmark, with a year-on-year
         sales increase of 75 per cent in 2023, reaching a cumula ve annual sales volume of 315,167 units,
         making it the fastest-growing SUV brand in China. Since 2019, JETOUR has expanded into over 50
         countries and regions, leading in Angola, Uruguay, Ecuador and other markets.

         A report by McKinsey & Company forecasts that the global SUV market will experience a compound
         annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2 per cent between 2020 and 2030, fuelled by factors such as rising
         disposable incomes, increasing urbanisa on and a growing desire for adventure travel. This trend is
         par cularly strong in emerging markets, where SUVs and off-road vehicles are seen as status symbol
         and prac cal for naviga ng challenging terrains

         JETOUR’s family-oriented off-road travel products, especially the X70 and X90 series, have matured in
         the interna onal market, a ribu ng to its ability to address these specific needs and preferences. It
         also launched JETOUR DASHING across various global markets, which quickly became a best-selling
         model in the segment in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  1/2
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