Page 21 - Jetour PR Report- May 2024
P. 21
‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the World’ - Jetour highlights new possibilities at Beijing Auto Show - Truck and Fleet Middle East
Furthermore, JETOUR T2, the brand’s first off-road travel product, became an instant hit in the
Chinese market, breaking the 10,000-unit sales milestone in its third month and se ng a record for
the fastest sales growth in its category. Following its interna onal launch in Dubai, UAE, in January
2024, the T2 is set to be introduced to more markets worldwide.
Simultaneously, JETOUR is pushing the envelope with its technological ingenuity, par cularly with the
Super Hybrid Off-Road Pla orm and the Super-Hybrid i-DM system. These innova ons showcase
JETOUR’s edge in scalability, new energy adapta on, and intelligent driving, combined with an
integrated electronic and electrical architecture. JETOUR is using these developments to engineer
narra ves of explora on and adventure in addi on to producing automobiles. It is pushing people
towards a future where each journey has the same significance as its des na on.
In line with strategic planning, JETOUR is also accelera ng the development of right-hand drive
models, aiming to enter right-hand markets between 2023 and 2024. As global demands for carbon
peaking and neutrality rise, JETOUR is proac vely posi oning its plug-in-hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)
and ba ery electric vehicle (BEV) models within its Super Hybrid and E0X high-performance electric
pla orms, mee ng various market requirements for fuel consump on and emissions.
The T-series, including T1, T2, T5, and the robust T7, encapsulates JETOUR’s future in off-road
capabili es. The T1 posi ons itself as an A+ level plug-in hybrid SUV that blends comfort, energy
efficiency, and style. Its 1.5TGDI+1DHT PHEV pla orm is complemented by a fashionable boxy design
language, a spacious interior including a 2-meter bed in the rear, and a 6.6kW bi-direc onal power
supply. The T2, set for interna onal launch, is an off-road travel super hybrid SUV equipped with a
high-energy ba ery from CATL, exemplifying efficiency and safety. It offers a week of fuel-free
commu ng, class-leading pure electric range, and a bi-direc onal power supply for unparalleled self-
driving travel experiences.
The T5, tailored for off-road enthusiasts, features a robust frame, a 2.0TGDI hybrid-specific engine,
and a pla orm that ensures strong off-road capabili es and high energy regenera on. The model
caters to both challenging terrains and comfortable urban commutes.
The T7, with its full-size SUV dimensions, measuring nearly 5.5 meters in length and a wheelbase
surpassing 3 meters, is engineered on a non-monocoque pla orm, featuring a 2.0T REEV+ powertrain
with distributed vector four-wheel motors and a full- me intelligent adjustable suspension that
ensures hardcore off-road performance. Its ‘black technology’ includes amphibious capabili es, an
intelligent diffusion oxygen supply system, and a biochemical life cabin, along with an armoured body
with bulletproof capacity.
At the core of JETOUR’s narra ve remains the brand’s ‘Travel+’ philosophy, a unique strategic
approach that has catapulted the brand to prominence. Focusing on consumer-centric design and
research, JETOUR has adeptly tapped into users’ travel aspira ons, crea ng vehicles that not only
meet but exceed expecta ons.
Ke ChuanDeng, Vice President of JETOUR Auto said, “Travel knows no boundaries, and neither does
JETOUR’s future. In an era of rapidly advancing automo ve technology and evolving consumer
desires, JETOUR is not just offering a vehicle, it is promo ng a lifestyle in line with its ‘Travel+’
With a theme of ‘Enjoy the journey, Embrace the world’, JETOUR is not just unveiling a series of
innova ve travel-friendly vehicles; it is extending an invita on to the world to join in an adventure
that transcends distances and cultures. JETOUR con nues to navigate the path of global explora on
with confidence, delivering vehicles that promise not only a journey but a story worth telling. 2/2