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7/31/24, 11:00 AM  PRESSR: Dubai Municipality conducts 52,233 inspections in environment, health, and food fields during first half of 2024 — Tradin…
        food security in Dubai. Dr. Rafee additionally stated that the Municipality aims

        to maintain a sustainable environment and preserve natural resources, thereby

        strengthening Dubai’s position as an appealing and sustainable city offering
        exceptional quality of living.

        Dr. Rafee Said: “Dubai Municipality places a major emphasis on the food,

        environment, and safety sectors. We constantly strive to develop these sectors

        and enhance their safety through monitoring to guarantee the highest standards

        of safety and quality of life in the Emirate. Additionally, we seek to offer a

        cutting-edge infrastructure that supports the growth of businesses and
        initiatives while ensuring strict compliance with all the laws, regulations, and

        guidelines enacted in Dubai and the UAE.”

        Health and Safety

        The Municipality’s health and safety teams, which comprises of 95 supervisors,

        carried out 26,566 inspection visits through 6 campaigns which were aimed at

        hotel facilities, shisha cafes, hair salons, beauty centers, worker’s houses, and

        societal markets. The teams also ensured the safety of public places and

        buildings, as well as playgrounds and event venues, in addition to industrial and
        professional enterprises, infrastructure projects and temporary activities.

        Additionally, the Municipality’s campaigns targeted at ports evaluated more
        than 17,000 shipments of consumer products, which is equivalent to 145,000

        tons, guaranteeing their adherence to the approved consumer specifications

        and requirements. It also ensured the compliance of oversighted organizations

        specialized in consumer products trade to these safety standards.

        Food safety

        Dubai Municipality’s food safety inspection teams carried out around 18,374

        inspections at food establishments across Dubai’s markets, including
        restaurants, hotels, cafes, as well as commercial centres, hypermarkets,
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