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7/31/24, 10:59 AM Dubai Municipality conducts 52,233inspections in environment, health, and foodfields during first half of 2024 - Middle East News …
Health and Safety
The Municipality’s health and safety teams, which comprises of 95 supervisors, carried out 26,566 inspection
visits through 6 campaigns which were aimed at hotel facilities, shisha cafes, hair salons, beauty centers,
worker’s houses, and societal markets. The teams also ensured the safety of public places and buildings, as
well as playgrounds and event venues, in addition to industrial and professional enterprises, infrastructure
projects and temporary activities.
Additionally, the Municipality’s campaigns targeted at ports evaluated more than 17,000 shipments of
consumer products, which is equivalent to 145,000 tons, guaranteeing their adherence to the approved
consumer specifications and requirements. It also ensured the compliance of oversighted organizations
specialized in consumer products trade to these safety standards.
Food safety
Dubai Municipality’s food safety inspection teams carried out around 18,374 inspections at food
establishments across Dubai’s markets, including restaurants, hotels, cafes, as well as commercial centres,
hypermarkets, supermarkets, and temporary events, which totalled 31 events. Moreover, there were 2,733
reports in total on food safety.
Furthermore, the number of food establishments in the Emirate totalled 25,000 during the first half of 2024,
with additional 1,373 new establishments opened in this period.
Environmental sustainability
Dubai Municipality’s environmental teams finished 4,331 inspection visits in total. Out of this, 3,378 of the
inspections were of projects, industrial, and service facilities. The Municipality employs a smart inspection
system to efficiently plan and carry out environmental monitoring tasks, thereby streamlining its operations.
Furthermore, to guarantee that businesses comply with approved environmental laws and legislations, the
Municipality is organizing a virtual awareness campaign. 2/3