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2/3/25, 1:35 PM                   Abu Dhabi to host ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium | Times Aerospace

                                                        Imag e:  ICAO

              rgani sed  by  the   Gene ral  Civil  Aviation  Authority  (GCAA)  and  the  International  Civil

         OAviation      Organi zation   (ICAO)  the   event  will  take  place  from  February  10  to  12,  2025.

         It  will  also  mark  the   launc h   of  the   ina ug ur al  edition  of  the  "Global  Sustainable  Aviation
         Marketplace,"  a  signi fic ant   UAE  ini tiative  under  the  ICAO  umbrella,  aimed  at  accelerating  global
         efforts  to  produc e  alterna tive  and   low-carbon  fuels  for  the  international  aviation  sector.

         The   event   will  bring   togethe r  over  1,500  participants,  including  representatives  from  ICAO's
         193  member  states,  a  large  num ber  of  ministers,  heads,  and  directors  general  specialising  in
         trans port,  aviation,   and   ene rgy.  The   agenda  also  features  150  speakers,  including  experts,
         seni or  governm ent   offic ials,  and   CEOs  from  leading  companies  in  these  vital  industries.

         The   accompanying   exhi bition   will  showcase  75  global  companies  specialising  in  aviation,

         ene rgy,  and   advanc ed  techno logies.

         The   symposium   will  be  ina ug ur ated  by  H.E.  Abdulla  Bin  Touq  Al  Marri,  Minister  of  Economy
         and   Cha irman   of  the   GCAA  Board,  and  H.E.  Salvatore  Sciacchitano,  President  of  the  ICAO
         Counc il.
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         His  Excellenc y  Abdul la  Bin  Touq   Al  Marri,  UAE  Minister  of  Economy  and  Chairman  of  the
         GCAA,  said:  "  Hosting   the   UAE  of  the se  major  and   influential  international  events  in  the  civil

         aviation   sector  refle cts  its  pione ering  position  at  both  the  regional  and  global  levels,  and  its
         cont inuo us   commitment   to  sup porting  international  efforts  to  enhance  sustainability  in  this
         vital  sector."  His  Excellenc y  expressed  his  hope  that  these  events  would  contribute  to
         launc hi ng   ne w  programs,  ini tiatives,  and  recommendations  that  support  international  efforts
         to  develop  the   civil  aviation   sector,  enhance  its  competitiveness  and  sustainability,  and
         promote  investment   in   inno vation,   technology,  and  advanced  technologies  to  achieve  this

         Salvatore  Sciacchi tano ,  ICAO  Coun cil  President,  said:  “ The  ICAO  Global  Implementation

         Sup port  Symposium   (GISS)  2025  will  bring  together  states,  industry  leaders,  and  stakeholders
         to  sha pe  the   fut ur e  of  aviation.   Thi s  symposium  will  focus  on  two  critical  areas  transforming
         the   ind us try:  sus taina bility  and   artificial  intelligence,  while  ensuring  the  safety  and  security  of
         aviation   operations .  Sus taina bility  in  aviation  goes  beyond  its  environmental  impact;  it
         enc ompasses  long -term  econo mic  viability  and  operational  efficiency.  The  GISS  will  explore

         the   evolving   regul atory  land scape,  global  standards,  and  the  safe  integration  of  new
         techno logies  int o  aviation   operations.”

         Saif  Moha mmed  Al  Suwaidi,  Director  General  of  GCAA,  said:“ The   ho lding   of  thi s  event   in   Abu
         Dha bi  refle cts  the   UAE's  leading   position  as  a  strategic  partner  in  the  development  of  the  civil
         aviation   sector  and   its  pivotal  role  in  supporting  innovation  and  enhancing  sustainability  in  this    2/7
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