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2/3/25, 1:35 PM                   Abu Dhabi to host ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium | Times Aerospace

         fie ld.  His  Excellenc y  also  empha sised  that  the  launch  of  the  country's  initiative,  the  "Global
         Sus taina ble  Aviation   Marketplace,"  adds  special  significance  to  the  event,  as  this  initiative
         aligns   with   the   pressing   ne eds  of  the  international  aviation  sector  to  achieve  a  true  global
         cons ens us   on   low-carbon   alterna tive  fuels  and  work  towards  boosting  their  production  in  the

         coming   years.”

         The   agend a  of  the   int erna tiona l  event  will  also  include  the  participation  of  prominent  officials
         from  around   the   world,  inc lud ing   H.E  Barbara  Creecy,  Minister  of  Transport  of  South  Africa,  H.E
         Viliame  Rogoibul u   Gavoka,  Deput y  Prime  Minister  and  Minister  for  Tourism  &  Civil  Aviation  of
         Fiji,  H.E  Chi ef  Ndlaluhl aza  Ndwand we,  Minister  for  Public  Works  and  Transport  of  Eswatini,  H.E
         Alha ji  Fand ay  Tur ay,  Mini ster  of  Transport  and  Aviation  of  Sierra  Leone  and  H.E  Abdul  Wahab
         Teffaha   Secretary  Gene ral  of  the   Arab  Air  Carriers  Organization  (AACO),  along  with  other

         int erna tiona l  speakers  represent ing   government  agencies,  major  companies,  and  academic
         ins titut ions   specialising   in   aviation,  energy,  sustainability,  and  technology.

                               Events        Sustainability     Middle  East  and  North  Africa

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