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3/1/24, 3:05 PM   Climate Change Risks Exposed: International SOS Data Highlights Urgent Need For Preparedness, Sharing Key Advice For Busine…
        people in 2024, underscoring the tangible impact of environmental shifts expected on

        business operations.
        In the Middle East, 62% of respondents, when reflecting on the past 12-month experience,

        perceive an increase in risks related to health, wellbeing, and security. Meanwhile, 20%

        maintain that these risks have stayed constant, with a further 18% indicating a decrease.

        The International SOS Risk Outlook 2024 report also outlines the diverse consequences for

        the workforce, including increased health risks such as heat-related illnesses and associated
        decreased productivity. Extreme weather events also have the potential to lead to

        disruptions in global supply chains. Beyond the physical implications, mental health and

        absenteeism are also key factors, as climate anxiety grips people across the world.
        Looking ahead; what will the impact be in 2024:

          48% of respondents reported that climate change anxiety is an issue that they have

        encountered among their workforces.

          42% of respondents think that their organisation is not necessarily fully prepared to…  3/6
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