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3/1/24, 3:05 PM   Climate Change Risks Exposed: International SOS Data Highlights Urgent Need For Preparedness, Sharing Key Advice For Busine…
        respond to / mitigate disruptions caused by climate activism.

          41% of respondents think that their organisation is not necessarily fully prepared to
        respond to / mitigate environmental threats.

          26% of respondents have already reported operational disruption attributed to climate


        1. The International SOS Risk Outlook 2024, based on a survey of 675 global senior risk

        professionals, exposes gaps in the protection of employee health and security such as risk
        perception, mental health, productivity impacts and operational
        challenges. The survey is complemented with interpretations and predictions from the

        Workforce Resilience Council, as well as extensive proprietary data and analysis from
        International SOS. The Workforce Resilience Council is made up of representative

        experts from all health, security, and safety fields. The participants in this year's Council are
        from a mix of think tanks, associations, advisory boards, NGOs, and IGOs, relevant to the

        risks of working at home or abroad.

        Commenting on the medical outlook, Dr Marie-Louise Van Eck, Regional Medical Director,
        Europe Middle East at International SOS:“We are witnessing storms, wildfires and

        monsoons increasing in severity in the past years. The impacts of climate change can wreak
        havoc on business operations, exhibiting non-linear patterns of disruption. For instance,

        consider a construction company in the Middle East reliant on an outdoor workforce. As
        temperatures rise, productivity diminishes gradually. However, beyond a certain

        threshold,operations can grind to a halt due to unsafe working conditions. From high
        temperatures, worsening air quality and the spread of emerging diseases to the mental health
        toll of natural disasters and climate anxiety, we are seeing a concerning trend. In fact, air

        pollution is the leading environmental cause of illness and premature death across the world.

        The changing climate patterns are also leading to the emergence and spread of vector-borne
        diseases in previously unaffected areas. Furthermore, climate change events are also
        negatively affecting individuals' mental health. This could be an immediate consequence from

        experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder due to a natural disaster, or from the constant
        exposure to the global catastrophic events, causing a longer-term climate anxiety and

        depression amongst individuals.”

        “At International SOS, we saw a significant increase in the number of climate-related alerts
        we issued last year. Throughout January – November 2023, we saw a fourfold increase in

        climate related alerts issued to our clients, with 80% more medical climate-related alerts

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