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Road by 8.4%. Additionally, flexible working hours alone could reduce traffic volumes by 5.7% on
               Sheikh Zayed Road and 5% on Al Khail Road.

               Coordination meeting
               His Excellency Mattar Al Tayer, Commissioner General for the Infrastructure, Urban Planning, and
               Well-Being Pillar held a coordination meeting with His Excellency Abdulla Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi,
               Director General of the Dubai Government Human Resources Department (DGHR). The meeting
               reviewed the results of the study aimed at encouraging the private sector to adopt flexible working
               hours and remote work policies. This initiative supports the Dubai leadership’s vision to become
               the world’s best city to live in by fostering well-being, boosting community happiness, and reducing
               traffic density. This goal can be achieved by ensuring smooth traffic flow and facilitating residents'
               and visitors’ safe and seamless access to their destinations.

               Five core elements
               His Excellency Mattar Al Tayer highlighted that transport policies form a key component of Dubai’s
               integrated roads and transport planning aligned with global best practices in advanced cities. He
               said: “RTA relies on a comprehensive and integrated approach to address the mobility and transport
               demands stemming from Dubai’s urban and economic growth. This strategy rests on five core
               elements: developing and expanding road networks and facilities; enhancing public transport
               routes, infrastructure, services, shared mobility and first and last-mile solutions; implementing
               policies and procedures to reduce or redistribute traffic demand across roads and transport
               modes; advancing traffic control systems and centres; and ensuring the integration of these
               elements at all levels.
               “RTA develops and applies these five elements in a balanced manner, setting priorities and
               implementation phases based on traffic demands and congestion levels on main traffic corridors.”

               “Remote work and flexible working hours are among the traffic demand management policies
               aimed at achieving balance and integration in the transport system by reducing or redistributing
               demand across time and place while promoting sustainable transport options. These policies also
               include the expansion of truck movement restrictions, increasing dedicated lanes for buses and
               taxis, and providing first and last-mile options to encourage residents and visitors to use public
               transport instead of private vehicles. Additionally, they support public transport use for employees
               and encourage carpooling,” Al Tayer added.

               His Excellency Abdulla Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, Director General of the Dubai Government Human
               Resources (DGHR) Department, stated: “DGHR is committed to advancing the current remote work
               system and introducing tools, policies, and programmes that ensure employee happiness and well-
               being. This aligns with Dubai’s vision of becoming the world’s best city for work and life, driven by
               leadership that prioritises holistic human development.”

               “The survey results offer insights into Dubai’s pioneering, innovative, and flexible model as a
               leading hub for talent and expertise, reinforcing the emirate’s continuous efforts to provide a world-
               class work environment characterised by flexibility and efficiency. The findings underline Dubai’s
               adaptability to challenges, reflecting the synergy of the public and private sectors in establishing

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