P. 160

      10/26/23, 9:20 AM                      Now, skip queues at Shar ah air port with self-ser vices and smart gates
       Now, skip queues at Shar ah air port with self-ser vices and smart gates
       Khaleej Times · 26 Oct 2023 · Sahim Salim sahim@khalee
       A num ber of auto mated pro cesses imple men ted at the Shar jah Inter na tional Air port is mak ing travel a breeze for pas sen gers. From
       checkin to bag gage drop, pass port con trol and board ing, pas sen gers can do it all on their own with the air port's self-ser vices.

       In a state ment, a spokes per son from the air port told Khaleej Times that the self-ser vices are avail able to all Air Ara bia pas sen gers
       “regard less of whether they are res id ents or tour ists”.
       Here is how it works:
       >> Self-check-in kiosks are avail able at the air port. Pas sen gers can pro ceed to a kiosk and either scan their pass port or enter their Pas -
       sen ger Name Record (PNR).
       >> Once their details are approved,
       the board ing pass and bag tag will be prin ted. Pas sen gers can
       print their bag tag while using the self-check-in kiosk.
       If they are online checked-in, they can pro ceed to the ‘Tag and Fly' kiosk to print their tag and then pro ceed to the self-bag gage drop
       “Addi tion ally, before the pass port con trol area, there is an auto matic board ing card val id ator to stream line the pro cess,” the air port
       spokes per son added. This is done with smart gates. >> Pas sen gers place their pass port photo page on the e-reader.
       >> They then scan the bar code with the e-reader.
       >> They enter the smart gate, stand at the des ig nated area and look into the cam era.
       >> Once all pro ced ures are com pleted, the smart gate will auto mat ic ally open, allow ing the pas sen gers to pro ceed with their jour ney.
       Pas sen gers can pro ceed to the new elec tronic gates to board the plane.
       The Shar jah Air port Author ity (SAA) has launched a ‘smart inform a tion desk' that enables pas sen gers and cus tom ers to vir tu ally com -
       mu nic ate with cus tomer ser vice sta  at the air port.

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