Page 32 - Ontegra PR REPORT - March 2024
P. 32

Deyaar Facilities Management unveils new brand identity ‘Ontegra’ to embrace tech-driven future -
                         Deyaar Facili es Management unveils new brand iden ty ‘Ontegra’ to embrace tech-driven future
                 The company also revealed its plans to launch two voice-based AI-powered assistants, 'Techi and Alegra’

                                                      March 21, 2024 IFM

         Deyaar Facili es Management, a leading facility management (FM) solu ons provider and subsidiary of Deyaar Development PJSC, announced its
         rebranding as 'Ontegra' to embark on a progressive future towards integrated, technology-driven solu ons in the FM industry. This strategic move aligns
         with the group’s commitment to enhancing opera onal excellence and se ng higher standards through innova on and sustainability.
         In conjunc on with its new brand iden ty, Ontegra will introduce new services, with stronger emphasis on u lising ar ficial intelligence to digi se the
         company's service delivery. Addi onally, Ontegra is transi oning to a Microso -based system, highligh ng its commitment to research and development.
         With the help of direct insights into shi s in consumer demand, the company will be be er equipped to deliver customer-centric products and services.
         The term ‘Ontegra,’ which is a combina on of the words ‘Onward’ and ‘Integra on,’ denotes the fusion of cu ng-edge technology with a commitment to
         opera onal excellence. This aligns with the company’s commitment to SMART (Sustainable, Methodical, Agile, Reliable, Technology-driven) principles and
         goals of u lising AI and technology to improve customer experiences, and guarantee sustainable asset and building management.
         Along with the new brand iden ty, the company also revealed its plans to introduce two new voice-based AI-powered assistants 'Techi and & Alegra’ built
         on OpenAI’s ChatGPT in the coming months. Techi is an in-house, mul lingual opera ons assistant that can mimic human conversa ons and perform a
         variety of tasks like scheduling appointments, preparing quotes, genera ng invoices, and more. Similarly, Alegra, offers AI-powered customer support,
         seamlessly subs tu ng for a conven onal help desk representa ve to provide prompt and effec ve customer service. With revolu onary products
         designed to set new standards in the Facili es Management space, Ontegra reiterates its commitment to fully digi sing internal and help desk opera ons,
         and leading the industry in digital transforma on.
         Saeed Mohammed Al Qatami, Chief Execu ve Officer of Deyaar Development, said,“The rebranding of our facili es management arm to Ontegra marks a
         pivotal transi on for Deyaar. We are heading into a new era and are firmly focused on harnessing the power of AI and cu ng- edge technologies to help us
         transform our opera onal efficiency and service delivery. Today, embracing the power of digital transforma on is non-nego able – it will take us into the
         future, enabling us to meet the dynamic needs of our customers in a more integrated manner. This strategic rebranding and the introduc on of innova ve
         services are just the beginning. With Ontegra, we are char ng a course towards a future where our opera ons are more sustainable, our methodologies
         more agile, and our services more aligned with the expecta ons of a digital world.”
         Adnan Jabri, General manager of Ontegra, stated, “We are delighted to be making this strategic shi  as Deyaar Facili es Management transforms into
         Ontegra for a new future. The
         vision of seamless integra on of machine learning and ar ficial intelligence into our core business processes marks a significant milestone in this forward-  1/2
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