Page 35 - Ontegra PR REPORT - March 2024
P. 35

Deyaar Facilities Management unveils new brand identity ‘Ontegra’ to embrace tech-driven future - Clean Middle East
                           transforma on is a major undertaking that impacts every aspect of the business, from internal opera ons to customer
                           rela ons, and is far more than a simple, strategic decision.”
                           “In keeping with global standards, we have commi ed ourselves to implemen ng cu ng-edge technologies that will
                           transform customer experiences and enhance overall produc vity, efficiency and sustainability. As a result, Ontegra is
                           well posi oned to lead innova on with its revolu onary services and vision for a future where technology and
                           opera onal excellence merge to reshape the Facili es Management landscape."

                           Facility management services in UAE have matured to the point where advanced robo cs, hardware, and so ware
                           technologies are crucial to its further success. As a proud member of the Deyaar Group, Ontegra ensures that clients
                           con nue to receive excep onal service with these technologies and stands prepared to meet emerging challenges,
                           solidifying its posi on as an innovator in the shi ing landscape of facili es management.

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