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6/24/24, 3:33 PM                                 Supreme Committee for Consumer Protection
        legislative environment for the economic sector and enhance its governance. This is one of

        the strategic objectives of the Ministry in line with objectives of the ‘We the UAE 2031’ vision.

        H.E. said: “Thanks to the directives of the wise leadership, the consumer protection system in

        the country is undergoing continuous development following the issuance of several
        resolutions in the last phase. These decisions are aimed at supporting the continued growth

        of this ecosystem, upgrading its mechanisms in accordance with global best practices and

        solidifying the UAE’s position as a leading global market that provides a safe experience for

        consumers. They also guarantee rights to suppliers, thus enhancing the UAE’s position as an
        attractive destination for business and investment in the retail sector.”

        In detail, the meeting reviewed developments on the issuance of Federal Decree Law No. 5 of
        2023, and amendments to some provisions of Federal Law No. 15 of 2020 on consumer

        protection. In this regard, H.E. Bin Touq explained that the aim of these amendments is to

        effectively complete the steps needed to build the legal basis for enabling greater contribution

        from local departments in the enforcement of the law. This is achieved through strengthening
        their role in the imposition of administrative penalties for any acts committed in violation of the

        law and its executive regulations. It also takes into account the flexibility in the structure of the

        Supreme Committee for Consumer Protection, which allows other parties to participate in its
        efforts constituting to a consultative approach with regard to consumer protection in the

        country. This consequently provides room for cooperation at the federal and local levels and

        overcomes any challenges faced previously in fully implementing local market regulations.

        The meeting discussed the regulatory decisions regarding the pricing policy of essential

        consumer goods in accordance with Cabinet Decision No. 120 of 2022. These decisions

        include the ministerial decision regarding the regulation of prices of essential consumer
        goods, which consist of nine commodities: cooking oil, eggs, dairy products, rice, sugar,

        poultry, legumes, bread, and wheat. All of these commodities require prior approval from the

        Ministry of Economy before their prices are increased.  A task force consisting of
        representatives from the Ministry, and other relevant authorities and entities has also been

        formed to monitor the prices of essential consumer goods. This ensures the scrutiny of all

        price hike requests received by the Ministry and the subsequent decision-making process.

        Additionally, there is a ministerial decision on pricing by unit to guarantee complete

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