P. 416

6/24/24, 2:26 PM  Economic Integration Committee reviews progress of National Registry, discusses UAE’s endeavours in enhancing trademark prote…
        During the meeting, Bin Touq emphasized the significant indicators of economic growth
        achieved by the UAE under the vision and guidance of the wise leadership in 2023. These

        accomplishments include the GDP of the UAE at constant prices, which has grown by 3.6

        per cent from 2022 to AED 1.68 trillion. Furthermore, the non-oil GDP at constant prices
        reached AED 1.25 trillion, experiencing a growth rate of 6.2 per cent in comparison to

        2022. These figures solidify the UAE’s position as the fifth-largest economy globally in
        terms of real GDP growth index. Additionally, the UAE has been ranked the first in the

        region and the 18th globally in the World Economic Forum's Travel and Tourism

        Development Index (TTDI) 2024, climbing seven places from its 25th global ranking in

        Last week, the UAE signed an Economic Partnership Agreement with South Korea,
        marking the beginning of a new era of economic growth and promoting positive

        collaboration across various sectors such as trade, investment, and economy. This

        agreement aims to foster constructive cooperation with one of the world’s strongest

        The Committee has reviewed the progress made in the different stages of development of

        the National Economic registry, utilising the latest technological solutions and artificial
        intelligence. The registry consists of two phases: the first links data from local licenses

        issued by UAE emirates to companies and institutions, and the second links data from

        licenses issued by free zones to companies and institutions, as well as data of all kinds of
        licenses from all registration authorities in the UAE and free zones. Once the development

        process of the registry is finished, an integrated database of companies registered in the
        country will be provided in line with the best practices and legislations, developing sectoral

        economic policies based on comprehensive, precise, and continuous data.

        The Committee further reviewed the UAE’s efforts aimed at fortifying the trademark
        registration and protection system, taking into consideration the legislations implemented

        by the country in alignment with the best standards. These efforts play a pivotal role in
        enhancing the UAE's attractiveness to trademark-related investments and advancing the

        growth of its products in the Emirati markets, ultimately enhancing the reputation of the

        national economy. Notably, the total number of registered trademarks, owned by both local
        and international companies, has reached an impressive figure of 216,937 trademarks.

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