P. 417

6/24/24, 2:27 PM  Economic Integration Committee reviews progress of National Registry, discusses UAE's endeavours in enhancing trademark prote…

           Economic Integration Committee reviews progress of
           National Registry, discusses UAE's endeavours in enhancing
           trademark protection


         Bin Touq: The UAE has made significant progress in creating a favourable economic
         legislative environment. The Committee plays a significant role in bolstering the UAE's
         vision to shift towards a new economic model.
         Abu Dhabi, 4 June 2024: The Economic Integration Committee held its third meeting of 2024
         under the chairmanship of H.E. Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, and with the
         presence  and  membership  of  H.E.  Dr  Thani  bin  Ahmed  Al  Zeyoudi,  Minister  of  State  for
         Foreign Trade. The meeting was attended by representatives of local economic development
         departments from all emirates.
         The  Committee  reviewed  the  progress  on  the  implementation  of  its  previous  meeting's
         agenda  in  March,  discussing  several  important  topics.  One  key  area  of  focus  was  the
         significance of bolstering national efforts to enhance trademark registration in the UAE in line
         with global best practices.

         H.E. Abdulla bin Touq, Minister of Economy, said: “In accordance with the directives of our
         wise  leadership,  the  UAE  has  taken  significant  strides  towards  fostering  an  exemplary
         legislative  and  economic  framework,  adhering  to  the  highest  global  standards.  This
         advancement  is  evident  in  the  implementation  and  refinement  of  diverse  policies  and
         regulations  across vital economic  sectors, particularly  those pertaining  to emerging sectors
         like technology, innovation, intellectual property, and trademarks. Notably, the UAE has been,-discusses-UAE's-endeavours-in-...  1/2
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