P. 101

5/17/24, 4:59 PM                             How should businesses prepare for an era of permacrisis?
        lurching from one unprecedented event to another, while anticipating new troubles around
        the corner.


        This word additionally represented a shift from the way the notion of crisis was
        conventionally defined. From climate change to multiple tensions on the geopolitical front,

        businesses are having to prepare to operate in a global environment that is constantly in


        Gulf Business spoke to Sebastian Bedu, general manager, International SOS about their

        risk outlook for 2024 and how businesses should operate in an era of permacrisis.

        Q: Could you tell me or give our readers an introduction to your report, what went

        behind it, and what is the main takeaway you want our readers to have?

        Sure, the Risk Outlook 2024 has a number of recommendations made by International

        SOS, based on key pillars to ensure that the predictions we provide to our clients are
        actionable and help them increase resilience and support their operations. Our

        methodology includes a survey of over 700 respondents within our ecosystem, as well as

        insights from a panel of experts and representatives who provide their expectations for
        2024. From these inputs, we shape our main predictions.

        For 2024, we believe the increasing effect and impact of climate change will significantly

        affect our clients and their operations in the Middle East and beyond. Additionally,

        geopolitical instability and the risk of not properly managing employee well-being and

        preventing burnout are major concerns.                             2/4
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