P. 102

5/17/24, 4:59 PM                             How should businesses prepare for an era of permacrisis?
        Q: What are the top risks that businesses in the region should be aware of when it
        comes to climate change?

        First, I want to congratulate the UAE and its leadership for organising such a successful

        COP28. As a local company incorporated in Dubai for many years, we are proud to

        operate in an environment where the government takes ESG matters very seriously.

        Regarding climate change, the most critical point is its local impact worldwide, including

        the Middle East. Businesses need to be ready to operate and ensure business continuity in
        this rapidly changing environment.

        The first step is acknowledging that climate change impacts business continuity.

        Being ready involves having processes and protocols in place, working with providers to
        ensure resilience, and protecting your employees and business operations. This

        preparation is crucial as it impacts productivity, finances, and overall stability.

        Q: Regional tensions are another risk factor. With the recent Red Sea crisis, how
        prepared was International SOS for such an event?

        International SOS has a long history of handling crises in partnership with our clients.
        We’ve been addressing geopolitical instability, including the recent Red Sea crisis, which

        has shown the importance of being prepared for disruptions in key logistics pathways. Our

        experience with crises like the one in Sudan underscores our commitment to crisis

        management, and we continue to offer workshops to help clients identify and plan for
        potential threats.

        Q: Employee burnout is a growing concern. Why did International SOS highlight this

        as a risk factor, and what can businesses do about it?

        Employee well-being is a significant concern, with burnout costing billions in the region. We

        commend the UAE’s National Program for Happiness and Well-being as a model for other
        countries. Businesses need to enhance employee well-being to avoid burnout and ensure

        business continuity. This can involve implementing supportive measures and creating a

        positive work environment.

        Q: How should businesses prepare for future extreme weather events like the April
        16 rains in the UAE?

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