Page 27 - The Skinny On Your Diet Plan
P. 27
Calculating Physical Activity
Once you have calculated for your BMR you are now ready to do the
2 paii of the process which is factoring in for your daily physical activity
level and then we'll factor the 3 part, goals. In this example we will
multiply BMR by the appropriate activity multiplier first, and then we will
account for your goals next.
Activity multiplier:
4CII�IIl:: IjE�EI, MIII,Ill!I,l:: 6MB 61::
Sedentaiy (little to no activity) BMRx 1.2
Lightly active (light exercise and/or BMRx 1.375
sports 1-3 days / wk)
Moderately active (moderate exercise BMRx 1.55
and/or sports 3-5 days / wk)
Highly active (hard exercise and/or BMRx 1.725
sports 6-7 days / wk)
Very highly active (very hard exercise/ *BMRx 1.9*
sports + physical job or 2x daily training)
*Note-this multiplier can be even higher for extremely active athletes e .g. h'onman
t:riathletes, ultra-endurance athletes, team spo1t athletes during training camps,etc.)
The number you now have (after calculating for your physical activity) is
what's called your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or TDEE as we will refer to
it from now on. So, what we will do now is adjust your TDEE based upon your
Niction Nutrition Fitness Academy LLC 26