Page 6 - The Skinny On Your Diet Plan
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This book has been created to be used as a tool by anyone seeking to
better understand the process (and art) of nutrition as it pertains to
their unique goals, what good nutrition is, and to teach you how to set
up your diet to achieve your fat loss or muscle growth goals. It is not
intended to be a “prep” book for bodybuilding competitors. It is
based on the teachings of the most renown in the industry such as the
Precision Nutrition team and the textbook of choice for Niction
Nutrition Fitness Academy’s (NNFA) Niction Advanced Nutrition
Course (NANC) the Sport Nutrition-3rd Edition By Dr.Jeukendrup,
Asker, and Dr.Gleeson, Michael, as well as my own experience
through my work with 100s of clients over the period of my career.
This book is an accumulation of research I’ve done, work and
writings from others, and various other sources.
Within, you’ll learn the step by step processes I use when working
with clients, the governing “ropes” that fitness models and “natural”
physique competitors use to achieve their winning physique, the “per-
formance nutrition” that athletes use to explode on the field or in their
sport time and time again, and the same nutritional rules I use when
working with obese clients who’s health has become endangered as a
result of their lifestyle.
Much of this information may seem a bit over whelming or confusing
at first. All you need to do is read the book all the way through regard-
less of if you understand all of it or not. Pass over the formulas as you
would foreign names that you cannot pronounce—don’t try to under-
stand them yet. After you’ve read it once, go back through the book
carefully and follow the formulas and detailed instructions on how to
set and calculate your total calorie needs. Don’t yet try to figure out
which or how much of each calorie source (fat, protein, carbohydrate)
you will need. Save that for later. For now, just set the overall needs
(total calories) and try to hit those goals first. Then, once you can
confidently meet the mark with your calories you move on to trying to
manipulate the sources (fat, protein, carbs) portions, and percentages.
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